
"But- Perhaps I am too old." Iroh agreed with a gentle laugh as he returned his eyes to Toph, his amber eyes shining with amusement.

"I know what you two must be thinking..." Toph said casually as she held her teacup, "I look like I can't handle being by myself." The young blind girl said. Tsai had never met anybody that was blind. The onyx haired girl before them was intriguing to her.

"I wasn't thinking that." Iroh replied just as easily, casting a questioning look in Tsai's direction, he appeared to be perplexed by her words. Tsai finally looked up in an attempt to meet the blind girl's eyes.

"You wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea!" The blind girl protested.

Iroh quirked a brow at the young girl's outburst, but he spoke in an unfazed tone, "Tsai always pours the tea."

"I always pour the tea," the other retorted in a moody tone. One that almost reminded Iroh of his nephew's usual tone. He rolled his eyes slightly amused at her behavior. Those two we're more alike than what they realized.

"Yikes," Toph commented. "What's your problem?" Toph sniggered.

Tsai felt the edge of her eye twitching with irritation. "I believe we are discussing your problems?" She glared.

Toph decided not to push it.

"People see me and think I'm weak." Toph explained bitterly. Iroh and Tsai listened attentively, "They want to take care of me, but I can take care of myself, by myself."

Perhaps it was simply Iroh missing Zuko.

"You sound like my nephew," He observed in an amusement. Toph noted that Tsai let out what sounded like a deep sigh. "Always thinking you need to do things on your own, without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you. Not that I love you, I just met you," Iroh laughed lightly.

Toph laughed for a moment and suddenly braced herself as she felt a quick movement. It was the girl that stood up harshly and stormed away, she sounded really upset. Intrigued she kept her eyes focused on the direction where Tsai had stormed off into.

"I'm sorry about my friend," Iroh sighed.

"I'm guessing it has to do with your nephew. Where is he anyways?" Toph asked in a serious tone.

"We've been tracking him actually." Iroh responded easily.

"Is he lost?" Toph asked then took a sip of her tea.

"Yes, a little bit." Iroh replied a little sadly as he looked away, "His life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times. He's trying to figure out who he is and he went away."

"So now you're following him." Toph stated matter-of-factly.

"Initially I was against it," Iroh stroked his beard wisely.


More than irritated Tsai walked away from Iroh and from Toph. Her and Iroh had been presently camping in the mountainous woods of the Earth Kingdom. Looking down from a rocky sloped she saw a small village at the bottom.

Feeling her stomach growl she figured it would be a good time to go and scavenge for food, supplies and maybe even do some work for a couple of coins. She also had to get her mind off him... Tsai knew that Zuko was strong. She had no doubt that he would be fine, but still- the way he had left. And being an enemy of all nations? Being out there by himself she bet it was not easy...

She couldn't help but wonder where her brother was. She tried not to think about him. Not because it was too painful but because the uncertainty was going to consume her sanity.

SunburnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora