A request before the results

98 6 7

There just aren't enough readers!

Reader 1(frustrated): Why aren't the other results out?

Reader 2(in an angry tone) : The organizer might be a little too lazy.

Organizer: Not enough submissions guys, let's make a deal.

Reader 2(continuing the tone, nostrils flaring ) : Why should we?

Organizer(tickled with an idea) : To get the results out! You all just have to tag atleast 100 wattpaders in total.

Reader 1(happier): Cool.

Reader 2(sounding clever) : The genres available?

Organizer: Your Favs- Horror, Adventure, Poem and Supernatural!

Reader 2: Don't forget your part of the deal( lazy girl).

Organizer(babbling as the readers make their way home) : Deal. A shout-out on your accounts would be satisfying!

Reader 2 sighs.

Reader 1(bouncing her way) : Don't worry! 

Tag here.

Comment if you like the unusual style!

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