Ashley 💫

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Heyaa everyone. I am back with another chat session with another amazing writer.

I have been reading her stories from past few years and never got bored. Her every story comes out better than the last one 😍.. All the very best for your future ❤️.

One of the best Erotica writer here eroticmarie . And also a down to Earth person with pure heart 💓. I loved talking to you 😘💗.

1. Introduce yourself??
--> 1. Hi, I’m Ashley Marie. I’m known for writing erotic mafia romance stories. I am still in high school, and I play volleyball outside of school also I play for my school. My favorite thing is meeting new people and having conversations with my readers because they are the best people on the planet.

2. If anyone reads your stories, they will know you are ___?
--> If anyone reads my stories, they will know that I am eroticmarie.

3. Your birthday??
--> My birthday is October 7. Yes, I am an indecisive libra.

4. Your hobbies??
--> My hobbies are playing sports, working out, and my favorite hobby of all, is writing.

5. Your passion and career??
--> I have a passion for writing, but I am also in an engineering program at my school. So, becoming an engineer may actually become my career. Although, I do plan on having a career in writing as well, perhaps.

6. If there is addition to crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> I think i would be brown because it’s so underrated, yet very important to finish the task at hand.

7. Tell us about your super prank?
--> I have never done a prank. I’m kind of lame.

8. Any allergy and phobia??
--> I have Ophidiophobia which is a fear of snakes. One day, I hope I get over that fear, but as of right now, I am completely terrified of snakes. It’s actually quite funny seeing as I have a Bearded Dragon.

9. What inspires you to write??
--> My readers inspire me to write. They always tell me that I have a bright future ahead of me in writing and it actually motivates me. I just wish they realized that I’m only at the point I am at because of them.
( Touching 🥺)

10. Your favourite novels?
--> My favorite novels are books that are quite depressing. Those novels are; “everything I never told you” & “forgive me, leonard peacock” & “if I stay” ... sad stories as such. I have a huge heart and I will always love novels that change my perspective. Hopefully one day, I can write a book like that.
( You will surely 😄)

11. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
--> I learned that it’s okay to not be upset by some comments. It gets challenging to read comments that make fun of a certain situation or say things like “your writing need improvements”. I have to realize that there are going to be comments and people who can’t exactly understand which is okay. I know I need improvements, and I know that I can’t be too personal.
( Yes, Criticism will help improve you and everyone 💛)

12. You call your best friend as??
--> I don’t really have a best friend

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