Azka 💜

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Heyaaa.. I am back with another chat session. I hope you all enjoy knowing her like I did.

She is very sweet lovingkuri  ❤️❤️

------- Let's get started ☕ ----------------

1. Introduce yourself
--> My name is Azka, i am a student of BS ENGLISH LITERATURE, I’m from Pakistan.

2. Tell us about your stories??
--> About my stories, well it is like i write everything came up in my mind, the things which i want to say out i wrote it in my stories with some different words.

3. When did you start using watty ??
--> Ammm i started using watty 3-4 years ago as a reader actually. Yea!

4. Your hobbies??
--> my hobbies include Cooking, Crafting, Writing, Sleeping 😅 and yea Watching Movies.

5. Your birthday ??
--> 22 November.

6. If there is an addition in a crayon box, which colour you wanna be and why?
--> Well i would love be Black or Red, black bcoz it have its own grace and I personally love that color, and if not black then Red because it symbolise LOVE.

7. Your biggest fear?
--> My biggest fear is losing onto the people i love, it terrifies me alot.

8. Your passion and career ??
--> Amm passion, about passion i love cooking and I recently opened up a cafe on my own, and the career i wanna be a writer who travel around the world and write about the cultures and traditions, i just love that thing.

9. First person with whom you talked on watty?
--> Well it has been a long time, but as far as I remember it was Shristi, she was the first one i talked.

10. Any phobia or allergy?
--> Ammm I don’t have any phobia and about allergy I don’t have that either.

11. Which Genre you prefer to read and write??
--> Romantic with no Mature Content.

12. If there was a solution to your anxiety , how would it look like??
--> just like the character of MANIK 😅.

13. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> I would love to be a Koala, idk y but i like that animal, he is so calm, cute and don’t interfere in others  life.

14. What do you do when you are angry??
--> Well this is insane but i prefer to do my assignment or something whenever i am angry so that no one can call me. 😅

15. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> A ring to my best friend.

16. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> Well I don’t remember one clearly.

17. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> kaisi yeh yaariyan and MANAN. ❤️😍

18. What do you think about the classic – bad boy and nerd ??
--> Well it is actually a great combo, and the way thier story proceeds is another level of love.

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