Chapter eleven

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B: Yes, it is.

I said and kissed him. He kissed back. But then FP came to the room. We split but Jug didn't want to get his hand from me When i tryied to split.

FP: Oh, what's going on here?

He said with smirk on his face.

A: Oh you wouldn't believe what i found this morning!

FP: What did you found sweetie?

A: A certain someone in someones bed.

She said looking at me and Jug.

FP: Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Damn!!!!

J: We were just sleeping.

FP: Okay, okay, okay but-

Then he was cut off by Jonathan.

Jo: Sir, i am sorry to interruped but a letter arrived for miss An.

Anna went to Jonathan and took the letter from him.

A: Thank you Jonathan.

She said handing him the letter back.

A: Can you please put it on my desk in my bedroom?

Jo: With pleasure.

A: Thank you.

He then left. FPs attention again turning to us.

FP: Are you going for breakfast of are you just gonna stand here and when we leave start to make out.

That caused Anna to laugh and Jughead to stop holding me.

FP: What? I don't mind if you are holding eachother, just don't put it on another level.

Anna started to laugh even more.

J: Anna, why don't you just go to your room and read that letter.

A: Why? This is way funnier!

He then gave her a look.

A: Fine, i'll go get breakfast.

J: Thanks.

FP: I'm gonna too give you some space.

J: Thanks.

Then they left. Jughead turns towards me.

J: Betty i am-

I cutt him of by kissing him.

B: I love you too.

J: Really?

B: Yeah!

We then kissed again. When we stopped he asked

J: Did you sleept well last night?

B: It was the best night of my life.

J: Even better are gonna come.

He said seducevli.

B: Can't wait.

I whispered him to his ear.

J: Does my future wife wanna go to eat breakfast with my family?

He said pretending to have fancy voice.

B: I would love to but we are still wearing pajama.

J: Do want help to change?

B: And do you?

J: I just want to admire your beautiful body.

B: wow.

J: Sorry, it's not my fault you look beautiful.

Bughead-royal marriage Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang