Ch. 2: Plan B

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He intended to leave. Really, he did. Leave the party, change out of the uncomfortable suit he was wearing, head to the Golden Snitch and drink out his failure with his friends. Maybe he'll get a few free rounds from Marlene and Dorcas if he played up the pity enough. He'll never find out because he was halfway to the exit when he heard footsteps coming his way.  Instinctively, he ran and hid into the coat closet, keeping the door open just a crack to see what was going on. He dared not breathe too hard or move the slightest, which was especially hard for him since he always had to be doing something. Stealth sucked.

Somehow James was able to keep still as Lucius, accompanied by his wife, stepped into the hall. Mr. Malfoy was currently very pale and every time he breathed it was a long and hard fought battle. Which was a drastic change since James just saw him a few minutes ago in perfect health.
"Are you alright, dear?", Narcissa asked her husband, her voice full of concern, "You just started coughing and left. Have you been sick this whole time and just didn't tell me?"
"No I haven't. I've felt fine this entire night up until now", Lucius coughed. A truly horrible sounding hack.
"Maybe you should leave early. I'll go get your coat", Mrs. Malfoy headed towards the closet.

James froze. If she opened it, he's gonna get caught, and then he'll have to kill both of them. He hated doing that, only the target's blood should be spilled. But he'll do it if he has to. Afterwards he's going to have to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. People are gonna notice that their host and hostess are missing very quickly and then they'll go looking for them. If it was just Lucius then maybe he would've been able to make it look like an accident, but both of them? That's a murder through and through. Hopefully no one will trace it back to the Marauders or else they're gonna be in some deep shit.

The hitman slowly moved his hand towards his inside pocket. The lazy security was unable to notice the knife he hid in it and it was time to use it, now or never.
Narcissa's hand was seconds away from the doorknob when Lucius stopped her.
"It's fine. I'm fine.", he grabbed her hand and moved it away from the closet. James let out a silent sigh of relief. No unnecessary murder needed after all.
"I can't leave now, I'm the one hosting it. I'll be alright, I just need a minute, ok?", Mr. Malfoy continued.
Narcissa hesitated, before nodding, "I'll wait for you", she said and left her husband.

Lucius watched his wife leave, then burst into another set of coughing and headed towards the men's room. James watched him go, a plan forming in his mind. Lucius was alone and vulnerable, no one was coming to check up on him, and everyone already thought "Anthony" left. So, James waited until the Malfoys were out of sight before exiting the closet and following him.

It was an expensive venue so he shouldn't have been surprised that even the bathroom's were fancy. It even smelled nice, unlike the one in the Golden Snitch (no offence to Marls and Dorky, just to their bathrooms). The hitman silently closed the door behind him and gave a quick scan of the room. Confirming that they were alone, James drew his knife.
"Mr. Malfoy", Lucius nearly jumped, "Good to see you again"

Malfoy turned around and faced the hitman.
"I was right", he snarled, "You came here to kill me. So who sent you?"
"Sorry, can't tell you that", James was buzzing with energy. The target was right here, ripe for the taking. Excitement filled his veins, it was time to silence Malfoy's big mouth once and for all. "Part of the job is that the client remains confidential. Surely you understand?", he spun the knife in his hands, careful to not nick his fingers.
"Someone must've been too much of a coward to kill me themself and instead sent riffraff like you to do their dirty work", Malfoy took a moment to cough again.
James narrowed his eyes, "I don't think you're in the right position to insult me", he raised the knife.

Malfoy wheezed out a fit of laughter, "Look at you, acting so cocky. You hitmen think you're better than everyone else when the reality is that you're all just a bunch of wanna-be assassins with a big ego"
'Look who's talking', James wanted to reply. Instead he said, "That may be true for others, but I'm the real deal"
"Really? How so?"
"I'll give you a hint. You see, I'm not actually Diana's plus one. In fact, I didn't come with anyone. I went stag."
The face Malfoy made when he figured out James' little pun was priceless.
James gave a mock bow, "At your service", he stood up straight and adjusted his grip on the knife. He managed two steps before Malfoy started coughing again. Coughing up blood.
'What the-', the hitman watched as Lucius fell to his knees, blood dripped down his lips and stained the tiled floor. Eventually, he stopped coughing and dropped to the ground, struggling to breathe. James saw his chest move one, twice, then nothing. He ran to the limp body and felt for a pulse. He couldn't find one. Lucius Malfoy is dead but if James didn't kill him what did?

He was in such a state of shock that he didn't notice the bathroom door opening until he heard it close.
'I forgot to lock the door', James realized, 'It doesn't matter what killed him, everyone will think I did because I'm standing over his corpse'. His grip the blade tightened, how could he have been so stupid?
"Hello Anthony."
Wait a minute, he knew that voice. James turned around and there she was, as beautiful as ever.

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