On tour?(Last day in Madrid)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

~After we all performed.

Fran:Omg the show was amazing!

Diego:Yeah,but it's sad that we're leaving Madrid.

Vio:But on the other side it's fine to be home.


Diego:Where's Leon?

Vio:I think in the hotel.

~In the hotel.I was standing in front of Leon's door.



Vio:Leon please..


Vio:Okay then i'm going.


Vio:1-2-3 do you hear that I'm walking away now..


Vio:Okay please let me in!

~I wanted to walk through the door while he opened it so i almost felt on the ground but he picked me up.

Vio:Are you still mad?

Leon:No I'm really happy for you..
You're going to have an amazing carrier...and leave me for 3 years it couldn't be better...

Vio:Hey!wait that was lie.

Leon:I don't want that you go..

Vio:Maybe I'm not i don't know..

Leon:If you would go i'll respect you're decision...

Vio:But then you would hate me..

Leon:No i will always love you.

Vio:Me to.

~We hugged...

Diego:Guys we need to go to the airport.

Leon:Yup lets go.

~We packed our bags and hagged to the airport.In the plane i was sitting next to Leon.After a few hours.

Leon:Are you still afraid to fly?

Vio:No not anymore.

Pilot:We're going to land.


Leon:Are you still afraid to fly?

Vio:No not anymore.

Fran:Can i sit next to Violetta now?


~Leon leaves.


Fran:So you're going on tour huh?

Vio:Maybe I'm not sure about it.
And you guys only make it worse.

Fran:Okay,sorry.I understand you it's a big decision you need to make.

Vio:Yeah and i don't want to talk about it.

Pilot:We're going to land.

Vio:Oh shit!

Fran:Are you still scared?

Vio:Yeah!this is the last time we're going to see each other so you can tell all you're secrets to me!


Vio:Just do it!

Fran:Okay,do you remember the dress that you're dad gave you?


Fran:You asked me if it looked good on you and i said yes but it looked horrible...

Vio:Hey!Okay my turn,do you remember the bottle shampoo?

Fran:Yeah i still have that one but it's something really weird.

Vio:That's because it's decoration sand.

Fran:No are you serious?!


Fran:I did it in my hair!



Diego:We need to get out of the plane we landed.

Vio:Thank god we're still alive!

Fran:You're going to pay for that bottle "fake" shampoo.


Vio:I'm out.

~I ran out of the plain while Fran ran after me.

Vio:Okay okay i'm sorry!

Fran:It's okay.

Diego:Let's go to the studio.


~After 1 hour we we're standing in front of the studio but there was something really strange.

Vio:What is this?

Fran:This can't happen..

Diego:The studio is....

Leon:It's closed...

Our Love(1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ