Chapter One • Lydia: Exorcised

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Inviting a Christian family over to dinner one night hadn't been what Charles was expecting to do, but Delia had met this Christian family briefly when they came into her office and she begged and I mean begged Charles to invite them over to dinner one night because they seemed so nice and she knew they were Christian because they'd told her and everything.

Eventually, Charles agreed and Delia gave him the family's phone number so he could give them a call. He did, and, to his surprise, Delia's friends agreed to come over for dinner.

With everything set, the family began preparing to host their guests. For starters, the Maitlands were allowed to be downstairs. The only problem was, the Maitlands were afraid that Delia's friends wouldn't be able to see them so they decided to stay in the kitchen for the duration of the meal and watch. They had a talk with Charles and Delia about that and they both agreed to let them stay in the kitchen. It was what was best for all of them. The last thing they all wanted was an accidental exorcism.

They would not be prepared for what was going to happen during the dinner.

The day of the dinner finally came around and Delia was nervously rushing around getting ready. Her new friends would be at the house soon and Charles was afraid that his new wife would be having another one of her panic attacks. If she did, then he knew that he could help her through it, just like everyone else.

"What do I wear, Charles?" said a panicked Delia as she rushed past her husband for what seemed like the Umpteenth time. "What do I wear?" 

"Delia," came her husband's calm and quiet response. "This isn't a formal dinner. You can wear whatever you want."

Delia eventually settled on her favorite Black and White dress and that's when she heard the doorbell ring. Her new friends were here. She turned to Charles and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before turning again and rushing out their bedroom to go downstairs and open the door for her friends.

Charles quickly pulled on his best outfit and followed his wife down the stairs.

With everyone settled down and all the food on the table, both families began to eat in peace, striking up conversation whenever they pleased. Delia's new friends, a couple with four children, three girls and a boy, did all look thrilled to be there. But on the inside of the youngest of the four children, the boy, it looked like he didn't want to be there and instead wanted to be home. Delia offered the boy a smile and he turned away from her.

"So, Delia," the mother of the four children said as she directed her attention over to the now-therapist. "This is, like you said, your second marriage? Am I right?"

"Yes," said Delia as she put down her silverware and looked at the mother.

"Delia?" Charles whispered to his wife as he looked around the table. "Where did Lydia go? I could have sworn she was down here a second ago."

Delia turned and refocused her attention on her husband. "I think she went upstairs, Charles. She said she'd be down in a second because she wanted to do something important first."

Charles wondered what this important thing Lydia had said she was going upstairs to do was, but then it hit him when he heard the sounds of laughing coming from Lydia's bedroom. The laughter sounded too masculine to even be Lydia's so whose-.

Charles and Delia's eyes widened. "Oh no."

At that moment, a flash of light appeared in the middle of the top of the table and when it disappeared, a snickering, smirking Lydia and Betelgeuse were standing on top of the table in its place.

"How y'all doing tonight?" asked Betelgeuse to Delia's friends before snickering some more.

"Uhm, good?" was all the mother could say as she looked confusedly at Betelgeuse.

Betelgeuse snickered again, high fived Lydia, then turned his attention back over towards the Deetz' guests. He snapped his fingers and made bowls of spaghetti appear out of thin air, pouring them all over the Christian family's heads.

The four children screamed, started crying, and hid behind their mother.

"What is going on here!" demanded the father as he stood up, slammed his hands on the table, and looked Delia then Charles in the eye. "Who is this!" he spat as he gestured to Betelgeuse.

"Oh," Delia said as she and Charles looked down towards the ground. "That's my stepdaughter's demon friend, Betelgeuse. He sometimes hangs around the house because we let him. We also have ghosts that live here."

The Maitlands made themselves invisible to the guests but remained visible to the Deetzes. Delia looked at them and mouthed a quick "Sorry" before turning her attention back over towards her friends.

"A demon you say," said the father as he removed the bowl of spaghetti from his head. He pulled out a book and that's when Charles and Delia noticed that things were about to go horribly horribly wrong.

"Wait! No! Stop!" Delia shouted out.

But it was too late, the father had finished reading from the book he was holding and Betelgeuse was lifted into the air. Lydia, horrified and knowing what was about to happen, leapt towards him. He caught her in his arms and the two vanished into thin air.

"Lydia!!!!" shouted a panicked Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia at once.

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