Chapter 4 - Old Woman's Priest

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It felt so real, that I was even able to smell her scent. It felt so real, that I didn't want to wake up anymore.

She cups my face once again, pulling me into another kiss, as her eyes fills with tears. Sad tears.

"I love you so much" She says. I quickly smile at her words and I pull her up and dance with her. The music was getting faster and the dance was getting harder.

This time she lets go and runs up to me as I catch her and twirl her around. She smiles down on me and I place my hand on her waist. My other hand holding her right hand.

We twist and turn, matching the beat with our moves. I was starting to feel warm, when were starting to dance even faster and faster, until the music stop. We were in another leaning position as I had her in my arms.

Her bare back was touching my arm, and I smiled at her.

"Je t'aime aussi mon amour"

I groan as I felt the sunlight hit my eyes. I suddenly remember my dream about Irene. Her saying that she loves me was enough to make my brain go haywire.

Imagine if it was real?

I didn't want to wake up yet, but the stupid sun had made it's way to ruin my mood again. I once loved the sun. I once loved sunsets and sunrises.

But I started hating it when Irene exited my life, because once I saw the sun. It meant another day without her. It meant another day with her staring at the moon and me staring at the sun.

This is why I preferred rain. It matched my mood most of the time so I was quite used to it.

It was now a sunday, as I realize I now had to get up and go to church. Me and Irene would go every single sunday and she would scold me even if I miss one time.

I wore simple clothes, enough to make me feel comfortable and also not get cat called by some random dudes on the street. I walk to the church near my house and stand next to a woman that was probably in her sixties.

She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her face was wrinkly amd she was also smaller than me. She then turned to me and smiled.

"You are a pretty young woman" She says to me as her face doesn't falter. I mirror the smile and just turn back to the priest.

"You know that priest used to be my bestfriend" She says. I was about to roll my eyes at her, but then I saw a flash of hurt in them, making me instantly curious. "We we're kids back then. I was inlove with him. He treated me like a princess, and I thought it was all a friendly gesture" She said as he looked at the priest with utmost admiration.

"I was inlove with him for years. I found out he was going to be a priest and supported him all the way, but then one day he came to my house and decided that he wanted to hang out. I had a husband that time, but he let me be with him that night" I fully turn my attention to the old woman who seemed to have so much pain in her.

"So I spent the night with him at the movies. He paid for it all, the food and everything. We bonded just like how we did in high school, but he didn't drink because he had a mass the next morning. Then we went to a hill that used to be our hang out place, there he told me everything. From him being inlove with me, and he thanked me for supporting him even though I didn't feel the same way. I just laughed at him because that was what he thought" I was also tearing up as she said her story.

"He drove me home and I was in a state of shock, and never got to confess to him, up until now. My kids were now big and my husband died and still I don't have any closure" She closes her eyes and a single tear falls from it.

"He said that he made the right choice of not telling me the truth because I was obviously inlove with someone else, and it hurt him so much that he couldn't find any other girl to love than me, so he settled on serving God. I was so devastated, because I knew I hurt him so much. My husband was his brother, and I only married him because I still wanted to get close with my bestfriend. I know it was wrong, but I never did make my husband feel that I didn't love him" The woman said. She was now full on crying as she suddenly held onto my arm with her right hand.

She holds her heart with the other. She starts to fall down causing my eyes to widen as I scream. Everyone looks at me as she slips a small mote in my coat pocket. The priest even goes towards us and his eyes immediately widens at the sight of her.

Sadness filled them and he quickly approaches her. For the last time the woman smiles and mouths 'I love you' to him. The priest could only smile and mumble something.

I didn't need to hear it to know that he said that he loved her back. Then her eyes closes and he places his hand on her chest. It was like a tragic death from a movie, but this was no film.

It was real.

I grab the note and see the title. 'My priest'. It was probably for him.

I tap his shoulder and he looks at me, as now a doctor steps in and holds the woman in his hands. The priest looks at me and I give him the note, awkwardly.

He reads them, and probably realizes the familiar hand writing of the old lady.

The doctor then turns to us.

"She's not breathing anymore" He says. My eyes widen at her state. A few minutes passed and an ambulance arrives at the hospital and brings the old woman to the hospital and probably place her in a morgue.

Then the priest looks at me.

"Thank you, for handing this note over to me. She was probably trying to do it herself personally and give it to me, but she didn't make it. Thank you, atleast I now know that she once loved me too" He quietly said as he looked down.

I stare at the side of his face. I knew he was attractive in his youth, and the woman earlier was definitely beautiful even up until now.

"I'm actually facing the same thing, but its a her, isn't that a sin father? I fell inlove with my bestfriend and yet I can't confess to her" I said. He looks up to me and smiles.

"Child, being yourself will never be a sin. The Lord made you and the people around you are the ones that set that standard. I know many people who are just like you, but they worship God so much. He wouldn't send you to hell, just because you love the person of same sex as you. He looks at your character and the good things you've done and from the looks of it, you look like a decent young lady" He says. My eyes widen at his words. I have never encountered a priest with an open mind. He continues,

"The only advice I can give you, is do whatever you think is best for the two of you. I know you are wise and you should use that wisdom for good. Do not just consider what you feel for her, but also consider her feelings and the others around you. I must take my leave now" He said, but I stop him.

"Wait, what is your name father?"

"Father Michael, but you may call me father Mike" He said with a small smile.
"And you are?"

"Seulgi Kang"

"Well then Seulgi, may the Lord be with you through your actions" He said as I smile and nod. He walks away leaving me there to look at the sky.

What was I going to do now?

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