The Dinner

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* Zakary's POV*
I was sitting In My Room waiting for Sirena to come back and I wanted to pick Some fruits out For Dinner Later, So I went to my Big garden with vegetables and Fruits and picked out Apples, wild berries, Kiwis, Carrots And Coffee Beans.

While That Making The Dinner was interesting because I've never really Made a Fruit like Cuisine Before and suddenly I cut myself By a

Toothpick and Blood started to Leak down my right Finger So i grabbed a Towel and Cleaned it. I Then started Cutting Carrots and making the rest until I heard a Door open to see Sirena And Dr.Get Wreckt " Hey guys you're Back Dinner is ready" I Told them and Dr.get wreckt Said " That smells Good" " Indeed It does" Sirena Agreed and sat down next to

Quinton. I gave them there Plates of Noodles with Carrots And we started eating, but I noticed That both of them were Sweating. Finishing The Dinner Sirena Started talking " So Quinton how many years have you been a Doctor?" Sirena

Asked "5 years" He told her and that surprised Me Because I thought Doctors Were Suppose To Work longer but apparently Not. Sirena grabbed Everyone's Plates and started To Wash them And We started to Go to Bed for tomorrow.

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