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The moment Sana went out from the shower, she heard her phone rings.

She wrinkled seeing an unknown number.

'Who is it?'

"Hello?" She greets when she answer the call.

"Hi, it's me, Tzuyu." She heard Tzuyu's familiar voice from the other line.

"How did you get my number?" She wrinkled her eyebrows.

"You gave it to me yesterday through Facebook right? Don't you remember?" Tzuyu explained with a little chuckle.

She didn't know that her girlfriend is forgetful.

Sana slapped her forehead with her palm. "Shoot, sorry, I forgot."

Tzuyu chuckled. "It's okay. Did you sleep well?" Tzuyu suddenly asked.

"Ah... Not really," She answered with a long sigh.

Tzuyu frowned from the other line. "Why?"

"I stayed up too late." She confessed.

Tzuyu heaved a long sigh hearing the reason. "Is it another Math assignment?"

Sana shook her head even though Tzuyu cannot see her. "No, I just finalized the entire requirements for every subject I have."

"Oh, okay." Tzuyu paused before continuing with a concern voice, "Did you eat breakfast already?"

"Not yet," Sana held her tummy; hearing the word breakfast made her realized how hungry she is.

"Why? It's almost 10 AM already." Tzuyu asked with another concern voice.

"I... I woke up too late." She blushed at the confession. Luckily, Tzuyu isn't in front of her. It is too embarrassing if your girlfriend find out that you wake up too late. You might sound like not a morning person.

Tzuyu chuckled with how Sana's voice sound like she just woke up 10 minutes ago. "I can actually sense that."

Sana bites her lower lip. "Uhm, why did you call all of a sudden? May I know the reason?" She asked; changing the topic.

She heard Tzuyu cleared her throat from the other line. "I just want to ask if you're free for today. For the whole day?"

Sana wrinkled at Tzuyu's question but answered anyways. "I think I am. Why?"

This time, she heard Tzuyu heaved a long sigh.

'What's wrong with her?'

"Can I ask you out?" She heard Tzuyu asked shyly.

She blushed at the sudden question. "Uhm... S-sure. But why all of a sudden?"

It took Tzuyu a minute before answering. "So that we can talk about the plan,"

She wrinkled her eyebrows. "Haven't we talked about that already?"

"Y-yeah, I mean, if you go out today with me, your friends, especially Nayeon and Momo will believe that you are really dating me. And so that we will be able to know each other better." Tzuyu reasoned out while stuttering at her first word.

She bought the reason. "Ah, okay."

"So?" Tzuyu asked for the confirmation.

"Let's... Let's meet later." She answered while blushing.

This is the first time ever someone asked her out. Though it is because they are doing this as part of the plan it still moved her heart a bit.

"Great! Do you want me to fetch you?" She heard Tzuyu's happy voice front the other line.

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