Stop hurting ugh.

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Author's Pov:

Taehyun gets ready and meets the other 4 on their dining room. Everyone ready to go to their company to practise.

"Yah! What took you so long? I was waiting for you!" Beomgyu said, loud and chirpy as always.

Taehyun was shocked for a moment but smiled at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu smiled back.

They always walk to their company as it's really close. A 10 minute walk.

Soobin and Kai was walking in the front. Talking about how it was so hard to wake up and hates how they have to practise this early.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun walks side by side. Taehyun at the last.

Beomgyu forgot about Taehyun and was happily talking with Yeonjun about how Toto reacted when he video called his parents last night.

Yeonjun listened to him eagerly and smiled.

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu, his love of life smiling at someone who is not him. Looking even brighter and happy than he is with him. It hurts him. He tries to look away from them but he just can't. Beomgyu's too beautiful to look away. And when he smiles ugh, It even brings a smile to Taehyun though he knows that those are not for him.

"Binnie took me out there last night. The food was so great there. I never knew that a place where tteok-bokki could taste this delicious." Yeonjun said to Beomgyu.

It hurt Beomgyu a little. He asked Yeonjun to go there with him so many times but he went with Soobin there.

Taehyun saw that. He knew Beomgyu was hurt. He can't just see Beomgyu getting hurt. He just can't.

Taehyun walked to Beomgyu and said, "Remember when we went to the convenient store while walking home to school, a cute puddle liked you so much that she wasn't willing to let you go."

Beomgyu was surprised at first then he realised and he smiled.

Taehyun increased the distance between Yeonjun and them. Indirectly ignoring Yeonjun's presence and talking with Beomgyu.

Yeonjun was confused like tf, I was talking to Gyu first. But he nudged that feeling and walked behind them quietly.

Doing everything to avoid looking at them. It bugged him.

Beomgyu smiled. When they managed to put enough distance between them and Yeonjun, Beomgyu said, "Thank you."

Taehyun smiled and said, "Anything for you, hyung."

Beomgyu smiled and said, "You won't believe me, he looked so jealous this morning. I almost blushed ugh."

Taehyun sighed to himself and said, "Yeah, he looked really pissed when he saw us in your room together. He was furious but confused."

"Really?!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

Taehyun smiled at Beomgyu's excitement and said, "Yeah. Sucks that he is still dumb to realise his own feelings."

Beomgyu says, "Yeah. But your plan is working! He might like me too!!"

Taehyun smiled at Beomgyu though his heart stopped working on the inside.

Beomgyu kept talking to Taehyun about everything and nothing. And Taehyun smiled listening to Beomgyu and humming in response.

He was in deep shit.

Taehyun and Beomgyu were walking so fast while talking that they walked past Soobin and Kai.

Soobin was a little confused like 'I thought Yeonjun hyung was with Beomgyu.' Then he sees Yeonjun walking alone looking sad and pissed at the same time. He never saw Yeonjun like this. Yeonjun is always happy. Dancing to every beat all the time. Always contented. But he looked like someone slapped and broke his heart at the same time.

Love me like you love him.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin