I'll make it right.

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Author's Pov:

Beomgyu had school next morning but he thinks of skipping because he feels like shit. His eyes are swollen. His head hurts like crazy. He feels sick. He just need a good long sleep which he couldn't because of crying the whole night. But he couldn't sleep, everything reminded him of what Taehyun asked him last night.

Do you love me? Like I love you?

He was confused. He had mixed feelings about everything and anything. He didn't know if he loved Taehyun or not. He didn't know that if he liked Yeonjun or not. He was messed up. His head hurt. He laid on his bed.

Thinking about all the moments he spend with Taehyun.

Here, Yeonjun gets up and sees Soobin staring at him. Yeonjun smiles at Soobin. And Soobin smiles back. Yeonjun snuggles closer to sleep more comfortably. Soobin also hugs him closer.

Yeonjun mumbles in his groggy morning voice, "Good Morning."

Soobin smiles and says, "Good Morning."

"When did you wake up?" Yeonjun asks.

"It's been 30 minutes? I don't know." Soobin laughs.

"So you've been watching me sleep and didn't decide to wake me up." Yeonjun whines.

"Well," Soobin removes a strand of hair from Yeonjun's eyes and continues, "You looked really peaceful. I didn't wanna disturb you."

Yeonjun blushes. If you ask Yeonjun why is he blushing, he'd probably stuck out his middle finger and say, "You wouldn't if you were here?"

"You could've woke up. I know you are not a late sleeper." Yeonjun says.

"But I love hugging you while sleeping. And I know you do too. So if I had even tried to wake up, you would've woken up. And I, didn't wanna do that." Soobin says, brushing Yeonjun's hair.

Yeonjun smiles and says," Thanks."

"Uh hyung, I don't know if its the right moment to ask this but, what happened last night? I mean if you don't mind me telling. It's okay." Soobin says.

Yeonjun tenses on Soobin's chest. Soobin feels it. Yeonjun gets up from Soobin's chest and sits on the bed. Soobin sits too.

Yeonjun lets out a cracked laugh and says," It isn't the right moment to ask that but as you brought it up then I cannot not tell you.."

Soobin says, "Hyung seriously, if you don't want to tell me then don't do it. Just stay happy."

"Nah, it's okay. I don't know what to do anymore actually.." Yeonjun flashes a sad smile to Soobin.

Soobin smiles back.

Then Yeonjun tells him everything.

Tells him how he thinks Beomgyu doesn't like him anymore. How Taehyun is the one he is in love with now. It hurts Yeonjun. A lot. He actually liked Beomgyu a lot. To the point, he loved him.

"I was just his long time crush from the beginning. That's it. He was always in love with Taehyun. But guess he's too dumb to realise it. It hurts so much.." Yeonjun breaks out.

Soobin hugs him and says, "It's okay hyung, It's gonna be okay. Someday you'll find someone who will love you like you love them. So don't worry."

"But it hurts more that I am the reason why Taehyun was hurt. Taehyun sacrificed his love for me. How I've hurt both Beomgyu and Taehyun. I'm such a bad friend. Bad hyung to my dongsangs. I'm sorry.." Yeonjun cries.

Soobin just hugs him and says, "Hyung, you did nothing wrong. It's okay. Don't worry, they'll understand. It's okay."

"Why doesn't Beomgyu like me, Binie? Am I not good enough? Am I that bad?" Yeonjun asks.

Love me like you love him.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ