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It took an hour and a few minutes for Ludovica to finish making the macarons

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It took an hour and a few minutes for Ludovica to finish making the macarons. "It looks good," Macaron got a good look of the macarons Ludovica made. As per usual she had given the card to the Queen of Sweets Spirits of what Ludovica made with a little help from her.

"Ah, Chairman Moriyama!" Ludovica greeted the man, bowing slightly out of respect. The chairman waved his hand, a laugh emitting from his lips.

"Please, please, no need to bow. Were you baking?" Chairman Moriyama noticed the clutter on the table, curious as to what Ludovica was up to as Henri was eating his dinner. Ludovica nodded her head, a small 'yes' left her lips in response.

"Would you want to try?" Ludovica asked the chairman serving it on a small plate. Two macarons were resting on the small plate. "That one's lemon flavoured and that one's coffee." Ludovica pointed at each of them, opening the windows wider, as she handed it to the man.

Chairman Moriyama hummed, taking in the tastes. The interior was most and chewy, the fillings were flavourful, The shell was smooth and crispy once you bite it, "This lemon macaron is really refreshing! The taste is dancing in my tongue, and the coffee as well, the shell compliments the filling." He praised Ludovica who handed him a cup of tea. Such a talented girl who have been wasting the opportunity of improving more.

"Really? Do you think so?" Ludovica asked, taking the small plate to the table, going back to the chairman. "It's actually for my cousin—there are more flavours, but I thought you'd enjoy those flavours the most." Ludovica shared and the chairman had a happy smile that caused Ludovica to tilt her head in a questioning manner.

"Have you ever thought of attending St. Marie? The macarons you made are amazing—! Or more like extraordinary! It gives me vision your trying to paint in these macarons." Chairman Moriyama's usual aura never changed. "The flavours balances everything, and it looked really appealing! It takes time to master the accuracy of making macarons with different flavours." He wasn't wrong, Ludovica agreed with the chairman. She was confident enough to say her macarons were the best and could be put out in a shop.

"Thank you, Chairman Moriyama. But I won't be planning on attending the school. I think I'm a little bit too late for that," Ludovica chuckled nervously, looking away from the chairman.

"I'm sure Henri will enjoy the macarons you made for him. It's best for me to get going," Chairman Moriyama laughed before leaving and Ludovica closed the windows. She placed the macarons in the box with such care. She didn't want any of the macarons to crack, Macaron looked at the work Ludovica made with a smile.


Hanabusa then realised why Ludovica looked familiar. She must be related to Henri-sensei, he was watching them from afar. Ludovica had something in hand whilst Henri was talking to her. "Is she the mystery girl?" Cafe asked Hanabusa, his partner nodded in response. "Macaron-sama!" Cafe noticed the sweets spirit with the 'mystery girl' and Hanabusa turned to Cafe with a curious glance.

"Macaron-sama?" Hanabusa asked his sweets spirit and looked closely to see that he was talking about Ludovica's sweets spirit that he saw earlier.

"She's one of the top in Sweets Kingdom, the Queen favours her." Cafe informed his partner who was in utter shock that the foreign girl had a sweets spirit that was favoured by the Queen—therefore she is as equally talented as her sweets spirit. However he wondered what she was doing here if she wasn't a student. Hanabusa decided it would be best for them to go back to the kitchen to practice with the rest.

"I thought it would be good for you to try the macarons I made earlier. I had Chairman Moriyama taste it for me—he praised it like he have never eaten macarons in his entire life." Ludovica handed the box to Henri who nodded reluctantly. He rrusted his cousin with her skills, but for her to make something for him was a first.

That night Henri's view of his cousin was different, although, he saw the potential in her it went higher. He knew she was talented but didn't expect much as he never did taste the sweets she made, the only thing he witnessed was her baking and that was it. She was peaceful when baking, it was like ballet, no unnecessary movement as if all her moves were practiced behind the curtains.

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