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Ludovica closed her eyes when her sweets spirit have made her outfit turn to the uniform

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Ludovica closed her eyes when her sweets spirit have made her outfit turn to the uniform. She cringed at it, her memories from St. Marie in France flooding in her mind. "Ludo-chan, you look really cute!" Kurosu smiled at Ludovica who glared at him. Osamu shook his head at how childish they were acting.

Due to Osamu's cold demeanour—no one dared to look at his way therefore Ludovica was safe. Though there were a few people who had whispered about the girl that they have never seen around campus. "Did you and Osamu-kun get to eat what I gave you guys?" Ludovica asked once they settled.

"We'll enjoy it later," Osamu said, "Besides, it's such a blessing for you to make something." He realised as he was fully aware that Ludovica didn't really have her eyes on sweets making.

"Such a waste of talent," Kurosu tutted causing Ludovica and Osamu to look at him. "Honestly, you can study here and we can help!" He said, he always wanted Ludovica to purse in sweets making like them. Kurosu believed that Ludovica was wasting her talent and just to go to a regular French school was unbelievable for him; Osamu thought the same, however, he didn't want the girl to be forced into doing what she didn't want to do. "Funny that you have a sweets spirit with you, y'know?" Kurosu whispered making Ludovica glare at him but he let out a laugh before they resumed eating.

At a young age Ludovica's parents were persistent in having to let her be like her cousin, it caused her to not have a stable relationship with her parents and made her disinterested to be like Henri. She didn't want to be a shadow of Henri Lucas anyways. She wanted to be her own person, she knew why her cousin brought her with him.

"Well, I see a lot of potential in her!" Macaron appeared out of nowhere, poking Kurosu with her fork. Kurosu winced at the fork poking his hand.

"She needs proper education—her going to some private school that doesn't help with her skills is just useless as you waiting for her to come around." Kurosu told Macaron, he was happy that the girl had her mind set but he saw it in her eyes. There was something that lacked, he remembered the younger Ludovica was much more happy.

"Who said I wanted to be a professional anyway?" Ludovica said, as if it was a normal thing to be said—which it was for her at least. Kurosu was shocked but Osamu on the other hand gave a pointed look.

"Don't you have to train with your partner, Macaron? How does the Queen allow you to be partnered with someone who isn't interested in sweets?" Osamu asked the sweets spirit, Milk appeared out of nowhere she was Kurosu's sweets spirit.

"Macaron-sama has always been talented regardless of her partner. Just like any other spirits I'm sure Macaron-sama is pushing Ludovica to the right path." Milk answered before taking a piece of Kurosu's food. Ludovica seemed uninterested in such topic and decided to eat in silence.


Ludovica sighed heavily, she was to go to the hotel soon once Henri was finished with whatever he was doing. The girl was walking around campus and spotted her cousin with four middle-schoolers. "Is that Amano Ichigo?" Ludovica asked her sweets spirit, who nodded subtly. They looked at Henri and the four middle-schoolers from a distance.

"I dont see why Henri-san had scouted her." Macaron said, observing their interaction but to no surprise Ludovica walked away. "Ludo-san! Where are you going?" Before Macaron could follow her partner she spotted four sweets spirits with the A-group. Henri quickly looked back at the St. Marie's students once he saw his cousin leaving.

Ludovica sat by the grass, in front of the lake. She was leaning onto the tree as she enjoyed the sun setting. "Ludo-san!" Macaron flew quickly to her partner, resting on the girl's shoulder. "Will you try the kitchen here?" Macaron thoughtfully asked Ludovica who looked surprised.

"Should I?" Ludovica asked Macaron who nodded quickly. "Tomorrow perhaps?" Ludovica mumbled, she sat in silence for a moment before it was getting dark. The lights seeped through the window, Ludovica looked at Henri impatiently before pinching the bridge of her nose. She knew he would take his time with them and she decided to wait at the entrance gate of St. Marie. She walked slowly, kicking the rocks scattered over the ground.

She hoped that Osamu and Kurosu enjoyed the macarons she made. It was a skill after all. Even if she missed both said guys she would rather be in France than wait around and do nothing in St. Marie in Japan. She's only been walking around the school campus and entering and exiting Salon de Marie. She had nothing better to do, but wait for her cousin. She wondered why she even agreed to begin with.

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