Chapter 7

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This is for you, @leximerida.

When Sally woke up the next morning, she wondered if she had imagined the Godly conference in her living room. It definitely seemed more like a dream than something that would have actually happened. Sally sat up and stretched. Her movement disturbed Paul, who had been resting next to her. He opened his eyes slowly, and yawned,

"I had the weirdest dream last night."

Sally looked at him and raised her eyebrows, signaling for him to continue.

"Yeah, it was strange. The Olympians were here, in our apartment, and boy did they argue a lot." Sally blinked at the realization that the Godly conference was a very real thing that had happened, but Paul was absorbed in the telling of his dream and just kept talking.

"Oh! And you know shades? He was laying on the floor like a sunbathing cat! Isn't that insane?"

Only then did he look at Sally. One glance at her face was all he needed.

"Oh. So, it wasn't a dream?"

Sally shook her head, and Paul nodded shakily.

"Woah, I can't believe I've met real life Greek Gods."

Sally couldn't help but laugh at his awestruck expression. Paul quickly joined in, before gasping,

"Wait does that also mean we've adopted Nico and Thalia?"

Something about his tone made Sally freeze. She looked at him apprehensively,

"Yeah, I—. Yes we did. Is that still okay? If it's not, we can figure something out, but last night you just—"

Paul cut off her nervous rambling.

"Honey. It's fine. I'm glad we get to provide happiness to those two. I just want to get to know them better."

Sally sighed in relief, and laid back down, resting her head on Paul's chest. Paul chuckled, and ran his fingers through her hair. Just as the couple was drifting into a peaceful doze, there was a loud crash from the living room, followed by a parade of increasingly creative swears. The two shared a glance before climbing out of bed and rushing down the hall.

They were met with a rather peculiar sight. Pillows were scattered across the room, thrown haphazardly into every single corner. There was a pile of blankets on the floor, rising up and down as though it was breathing, and no teenagers in sight. Another loud swear, followed by a slap and a shushing noise led Paul and Sally into the kitchen, where they were met yet again with a strange sight.

Thalia and Percy were in the kitchen. It was obvious that they were trying to make breakfast, but it wasn't going very well. There were pancake ingredients strewn across the countertop, with no system of organization. But strangest of all, was the fact that Thalia was soaking wet, and Percy was covered in flour. The two teens didn't immediately notice the adult watching, so Sally and Paul watched as Thalia reached out and shocked Percy, only for Percy to grab the half-full egg carton and lob an egg at Thalia's forehead. Thalia growled and was about to tackle Percy, when Sally cleared her throat. Both teens froze, and slowly turned to look at Sally. Then they turned back to look at each other, and simultaneously muttered,


Sally was about to scold them, both for the mess and the swearing, but when she opened her mouth, she was stopped by a loud laugh from Paul. Everyone's head snapped to look at him, but he was only looking at Sally.

"Jesus Sally, What have we gotten ourselves into? Do you think we can convince Hades to buy us a bigger apartment?"

Percy blinked in surprise. As far as he knew, Paul hadn't actually met any of the gods, and yet he was talking about Hades as if they were old friends. He looked over at Thalia, who looked just as confused as he did, but probably for different reasons. Before either of the teens could all questions, however, there was a shuffling from the living room and a muffled voice said,

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