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why does Aaron keep staring at me and Austin?  Does he like me? No no he can't, he said he didn't... unless he lied to me? but why,? why would he lie? you know what, i'm just gonna ignore my thoughts because he knows i'm happy with Austin and he would be happy for me. I'll talk to him later... maybe
dude this kid has GOT to stop looking at me and Liv. i get it, she's beautiful and all but still bro. i move me and Liv's position so she was laying between my legs and her head was on my chest with a blanket over us. We were all watching the movie and when i looked down at Liv she was sleeping. she was so cute but i didn't want her to wake up and since everyone else was sleeping i just turned off the TV and went to sleep as well.
*TiMe SkIp*
i wake up to everyone still sleeping, no Liv with me and a crash from the kitchen. "shit" i heard Liv mumble because i assume  she dropped something making food. i walk into the kitchen to see what was happening and what broke. "morning Livie" i say laughing quietly at her clumsiness. "Oh morning. Sorry did i wake you up?" She asked apologetically.  "no of course not. just kinda woke up ya know." i say helping her pick up the broken plates that she broke. "haha ya i get that. that was me this morning." She says looking at me. damn those eyes. "so how long have you been up? like when did u wake up?" I ask curious. it looks like she's been up for a while. "since like 6. I tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't so i came to the kitchen." She says. i look at the clock on the stove and it says 11:37 AM. Damn she's been up for 5 and a half hours?! how did she not make any noise or wake anyone up. "how should we wake up the others?" She asks me with a devious smile. "pots and pans?" I ask. "no i've done that before, it's to basic and everyone does it anyway. we have to be creative." She says again. damn her evil side is real hot. "ermmm we could pour water on them?" I ask. "Yes genius Austin. See i knew you weren't just a pretty face." She says jokingly flirting. "haha ya. so what are we putting the water in?" I ask curious. THIS is going to be fun. "find the two biggest pots you can." she replies looking at me. I nod and grab them as we fill them with water. we quietly walk towards everyone. She looks at me and whispers "3...2...1..." and we both nodded and dumped the water all over everyone. "GOOD MORNINGGGGGGGGG" she yells dying of laughter. "what the fuck Liv." Tiki yelled. "oh did i get the DeSiGnEr wet?" She asks mocking him. everyone laughs at him as he gets up to go to the bathroom. he grabs some towels and throws one to everybody. "THAT was funny yet fucked up bro." Frankki says laughing a bit. " ya we know, I thought of it." i say standing proud of myself that Liv actually enjoyed that and thought it was smart. "Indeed it was." Liv says smiling and high fiving me. "damn i'm surprised, usually Livie is the devious prankster." Frankki says. "I thought about waking you guys up in a non-kind way. he thought of how to do it." Liv explains. "Damn. you guys have already been hanging out too much already. she has rubbed off on you. and it's not her good side." Frankki says laughing. "i only have a good side. ask anyone."  Liv says laughing even harder. "dude nobody knows you." Tiki said looking at her. "and nobody asked for your opinion." Liv barks back. "it's not an opinion tho Liv, just a fact." Tiki says smirking. "whatever. i don't understand why you are so rude." Liv says genuinely curious. "i don't really know, i've just always been like this." Tiki replies. Olivia looks like she doesn't believe him. "Are you trying to pull a Frankki and read me." he asks confused "yes that is exactly what i'm doing." she replies looking at him intensely. "someone hurt you." She says,looking at him not intensely anymore but that she knows she's right. "how the hell- you aren't Frankki." He says surprised Liv knew.
how the fuck did she get that. is it that obvious or has she been hanging out with Frankki too much. "is it that obvious?" I ask now insecure. "no ur just easy to read." she replies like nothing happened. "i'm not even gonna question it. i'm going home now bye everyone." I say walking out the door. what does she mean 'easy to read' is that a bad thing?
Tiki left after i 'read' him. "i'm not even gonna ask how you did that." Aaron says laughing a little. "I hang out with Frankki too much." i reply looking at her. she looked off so i was looking at her the same way i looked at Tiki. "you aren't gonna read me that easily Liv. i'm not Tiki." she says noticing me. "i know but i can try?" Still staring at her. "who do you like?" I ask. "how- i'm not supposed to be that easy." she says complaining. "you let your guard down. read you like a book." i say smirking because i finally read her. "sooo who is ittt." I ask very curious. how has she not told me yet? "can't tell you sorry Livie." she says looking away. Why tho?? "ummm why? we tell each other everything." i say hurt. Why can't she just tell me. she can tell me anything. i decide to ignore it because i feel like she will tell me when she's ready.
'i can't tell her.' 'I just can't.' 'how would i?' my mind was racing with these thoughts. 'she'd be mad.' she'd never talk to me again.' I haven't told ANYONE who i like and i don't know who or HOW to tell anyone. Maybe i should tell Zack. i tell him everything. he's my best friend (besides Liv ofc) "hey Zack can i talk to you?" I ask. "Ya of course." I saw Liv glaring at us with hurt eyes. i just can't tell her. i see her notice me looking at her and she looks away looking back at the TV. Me and Zack walk to my room, "what's up Frankki? Everything ok?" Zack asked concerned. "I like someone..." I say looking down. "Ok... who?"

Word Count: 1140

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