Chapter 5

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Caitlin's P.O.V

When we reached venue, jack threw my onto his back and walked off the bus which was terrible for me since I wanted to get straight back on the bus as soon as I saw what was outside.

"Um, jack, what's all of this?" I pointed to the banners saying welcome to the family and heaps of people cheering and clapping.

"This, Caitlin, is your welcome home party!" I slid off his back and found Alex who grabbed my hand and we walked over to all of the people.

"Hey guys, I know everyone here has been dying to find out the newest edition to our family so guys, I would like you to meet Caitlin!" Everyone clapped and cheered again as I waved and said a quiet hello.

"Hey Caitlin, I'm Ashley, I'm the lead singer in the band New Year's Day. Ever heard of us?" I nodded and shook her hand. Moving onto all of the other people. There were at least one hundred people standing around me.

"Well well well if it isn't my twin sister caitlin." Everyone stopped trying to talk to me and looked between me and the red head standing next to me.

"Guys, this is cassadee. My twin" I moved out of the way as everyone swarmed cassadee leaving me to walked away from the crowd. I found a seat near a random bus and sat on it wanting to just curl up in a ball and cry.

Cassadee get all the attention. Every. Fucking. Time.

"Um hello?" I heard a voice behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see David and Andy from crown the empire standing there. And I just so happen to be crying.

"What's wrong?" Andy said and crouched down infront of me, trying to look me in the eye.

"Well, I was adopted by jack and Alex of all time low, I arrive here, get the most attention I have ever had in my life and my better than me in every way twin sister arrives and I'm left here in her shadow and I feel like shit because of her" Andy's expression was sympathetic and before I knew it I was being hugged by David and Andy. This day is both good and terrible so far.

They looked over at the massive group of people, probably looking for cassadee and David pointed to one of them. "Red head with the almost slutty clothes?" He said and I nodded while him and Andy laughed.

"Blue is a better colour to be honest." Andy said and ruffled my hair as he stood up. Andy just touched my head. That doesn't happen everyday.

"Hey, would you guys mind if you took me around the venue if you're not busy. I think jack and Alex are more interested in the party over there then they are in their own un biological daughter I guess" Andy and David checked a pice of paper on the side of the bus which was probably their schedule and then back at me.

"I have to meet with the TM but Andy is free" David said and pushed Andy over towards me while Andy just scratched his neck.

"Well, I should probably just ask the guys first so they don't freak out when they realise I have run off with someone that's not them be right back" I quickly made my way over to the crowd still buzzing about my sister and I found Alex first.

"Andy is going to show me around this place if that's okay with you" Alex looked a little bit hurt at the fact I was with Andy and not him but he agreed any way but went back onto the bus.

I ran back over to Andy and gave him the thumbs up and we started to walk away from all of the people.

"So tell something's about you?" Andy said and I thought about it for a moment.

"Well I was adopted by Jack and Alex, I don't like talking about my past, I have an evil twin cassadee, I have blue eyes and blue hair, I like crown the empire and the butcher babies, I'm tall at five foot nine, I can play lots of instruments, I like turtles, my favourite colour is green because black is a shade and I'm sixteen." I said counting the things on my fingers.

When I looked to my side at Andy and he looked so intrigued or something that was unreadable.

"You like crown the empire huh?" He laughed and so did I making me get all shy and anxious he might think I'm an obsessed fangirl or something.

"yeah, for a while actually" i was so nervous now but that soon eased up when i realised that he thinks im cool.

"so, whats it like living with the party people so far?" andy said but i just shrugged.

"its alright i guess. i never thought i was ever going to be adopted, let alone by one of my favourite bands so i guess its pretty amazing living with the people i already know things about instead of having to go through the whole twenty questions with people i have never heard of in my life." we both laughed and talked about random things until Andy had to get back to his bus.

"well, it was fun meeting you!" i said to andy who was standing very close to me but imnot complaing.

"yeah, you too, youre not like the other girls who come to these sorts of places. you just seem chill. come to our set tomorrow?" andy said holding out a backstage pass to the crown the empire set tomorrow and i nodded.

"oh my god, thank you so much, i cant wait!" i said excitedly and then unexpectedly andy hugged me and kissed my cheek. oh my god he just kissed my cheek.

he stood back and had a red tint to his tanned face and i was probably glowing like a tomato. so i did something unexpected and kissed his cheek but missed as he turned his head and i ended up kissing his lips.

i jumped back and had a sorry look on my face but he just shook it off and leaned down and once again our lips connected but it wasnt like a 'i love you' kiss it was just a friendly thing. or was it?

"well, ill see you tomorrow then?" andy nodded and we went our separate way.

i found the guys back on the bus all just lounging around so when i walked back on the bus i ran up to jack who was just playing with the rips on his jeans and i jumped in his lap.

my arms wrapped around his neck and swung my legs onto alex lap.

"so technically, whose unbiological child am i?" i asked alex and jack and alex raised his hand.

"technically me since i was the one to sign the forms, jack just happened to be there so if you want, you can fully change you name to Caitlin Gaskarth and make it you ful time name." i nodded and alex passed me my adoption papers and i signed them making it official.

"soooooo, do you have a girlfriend and is she okay that you have a kid whose more than half as old as you?" alex looked weired out but answered anyway.

"no, but if i ever find anyone ill make sure you approve of them first" i smiled and hugged him.

i eventually just fell asleep making the rips in jacks jeans bigger and the last thing i remeber is jack holding my eyeliner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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