Chapter 4

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Caitlin's p.o.v

"Wake uuuuuuuuuup! The bus is about to leave!" Jack started jumping around on my bed so I just pushed him off so he fell on the floor.

"Ouch, what was that for?" He said, rubbing his head.

"For jumping on me when I was already awake" I got out of bed fully dressed and he gave me a weirded out look.

"I got dressed at three this morning and then I may or may not have climbed onto your roof and watched the sun rise because it is simply quite amazing." He picked me up so i could sit on his shoulder but that was a bad idea since my head kept hitting the roof because of my height and jacks combined.

I'm guessing my stuff was already in the bus since the house was empty of bags and boys so I'm pretty sure I'm the last one to leave the house.

We jumped onto the bus and I said good morning to everyone who, to be honest looked like shit. And by 'they looked like shit', I mean that they were all tired and making up their bunks so they could get more sleep.

"Which one is mine?" I asked Alex who was putting his stuff into one of the top bunks.

"Either The one under mine or the one on the bottom across from zack."

"Alex, you do know that it's the same bunk. Since the one across from zack is the one under yours" he face-palmed himself and then put my suitcase into my bunk.

"Sorry, I'm just still half asleep." What he did next took me by surprise. Alex wrapped his arms around me and hugged me and it felt weird at first but then, for the first time in a long time I actually felt wanted and it made me so happy.

Alex pulled back a bit and looked at me with worry. "Why are you crying?" Crap. I was so happy my eyes started leaking.

"It's just that I've never had a proper family before and this is the first time I have actually felt like I am wanted by someone and it hasn't been ruined by my sister." He hugged me harder this time and I wiped away my tears.

"Do you have a phone?" Alex said and I nodded, pulling it out of my pocket and handing it to him.

He held it out infront of us and I noticed it was on the camera app so I smiled as Alex snapped a picture of the two of us.

"I don't even recognise myself" I breathed out in astonishment as I looked at the photo.

"Wait a second" Alex took my phone and zoomed in on one of the corners behind Alex. "Jack!" We turned around and poking his head out from his bunk was jack who had managed to get into the photo.

"We will have to take another one now that you ruined it" Alex was becoming flustered but I took my phone back.

"No, don't delete it. I love it" I showed jack the photo and he laughed.

"Is it okay if I tweet this?" I looked between them and they nodded.

"We haven't told the public about you yet because we have been so busy packing and getting you settled but we should also send out a tweet telling them about you if you're cool with that." Alex said pulling out his phone and jack doing the same.

"I can send you that photo to attach to the tweet if you want it" I said and made a group chat with the two of them once they gave me their numbers.

I sat in my bunk and went into Twitter. 'I couldn't ask for a better family :) @jackbarakat & @alexalltimelow'. I attached the picture and pressed send and automatically having my feed blow up with notifications.

I went onto jacks profile first and found his tweet. 'Welcome to the barakat / gaskarth family @caitlin_turtle'. He also attached the picture to the tweet so then I went onto Alex's Twitter.

'Isn't she the most amazing girl ever? Of course she is! @caitlin_turtle' he attached the photo as well and I saw on my feed that everyone in the band and other bands had retweeted it.

I think I almost had a heart attack when I saw one specific re tweeter. Andrew from crown the empire. I did a little happy dance and screen-shot it.

"Well, this is the first time people have been this positive about something and it's not just about Jalex this time" Jack laughed and showed me some of the replies.

"One quick question" I looked at Alex and Jack and they nodded for me to go on. "Who is playing warped that I might have heard of?" Zack walked in with a dispay folder and handed it to me.

"Everything you need to know is in there. I printed it last night" I smiled at zack and sat back in my bunk and flipped through it and stopped when I found the list of bands.

"No way! Crown the Empire are playing!" (A/N Bare with me, these are just my favourite bands not an actual warped lineup)

"Yeah, are they like your favourite band or something?" Jack Nidged me making me laugh and blush.

"Sorta but I have also always had a bit of a crush on Andy" I looked up slowly and saw Alex and Jack making kissy faces at my so I just pushed them away but not in a mean way.

"the mole gets all the girls I swear" jack said making Alex and I burst out laughing.

"There is just something about him though, maybe it's the fact that he is still a teenager, I mean, he is eighteen. (A/N Just pretend he is okay)"

"Let's leave the topic of guys and move onto something much more important, caitlin, have you got your guitar?" I nodded and pulled it out of its case and sat it on my lap.

"What can you play?" Jack said and I pulled out my song book and handed it to both him and Alex. They flipped through and stopped at one of their own songs.

"You want me to play 'a love like war'?" They nodded like little kids and sat in zacks bunk across from me.

"Do you sing or do you want me to sing it for you?" Alex said and I light up.

"You can sing your part but I want to sing Vics" Alex got ready while I started playing.

After the sing finished, we had the rest of the band and crew applauding our miniature performance.

"Thanks guys but the thing about me is that I can play almost every instrument and I can do amazing things with my voice, just sayin" I was just showing off now because no one has ever stayed around me long enough to see what I was capable now.

"So you play the drums?" Rian said and I nodded. "Bass?" Zack asked and again, I nodded. "When we get to the venue, you have to show us your talents!" Cassadee said from behind Rian and I agreed to show them if they let me settle in first.

(I'm going to add someone into the story as either one of Caitlin's or cassadees possible friends so if anyone wants to be that person, just comment your character description on this story and I'll put you in the story okay bye)

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