Chapter Six

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"Wha... I... that... But I am a battleship! So are you!"

"No, I'm a Space Battleship, so are you now. That means enemies of all types will come from all directions. You're fighting as if you're still on water, where ships come from the surface, planes from the sky and submarines from below. You have to break that. Now, you're the one who can come from above, below, anywhere."

"I... didn't think about that..."

"Course not. That's why starting tomorrow you will be flying with Yukikaze and her crew for some extreme flight drills. She leaves at five in the morning, so get some sleep." All said with an evil smile.

"... you're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

Yamato sank for all in the command center could see. "Splendid Commander Shultz," praised Ganz, "Now, we'll be able to hold our heads high before General Goer."

"If that man hears this, he'll report it to Lord Dessler, as if he'd done it himself." There was no venom, no hate, no disdain in his voice as Shultz spoke this. He was just done with Goer. "However, this is our victory."

On the planet of Gamilas, in the capital city of Baleris, stood a palace that reached higher than any other on the planet. Gamilas was unlike other inhabited planets, as most would find living there uncomfortable. However, to the Gamilons it was their home. One they were proud to live in. They made their cities in the massive pits their homeland naturally creates, spreading out through the massive cave networks that were big enough to house what the Terons would call Skyscrapers as traffic both on the ground and in the air darted to and from.

As a city, Baleris wasn't all that different than the ones that used to stand proud on Teron's surface. Save for the palace, which was home to Lord Desslar, the leader of the Great Gamilas star empire. One of Dessler's most loyal subordinates, a member of a species of potent telepaths known as the Jirel, Miezela Celestra, approached her lord. "Ilun Phezeron," she said with a Gamilon salute. "A message from Shultz for our lord. He wishes to give a report to you."

"Shultz?" Dessler said with a confused tone. It sounded familiar but he couldn't quite put a face to the name.

"You gave him command of the Plat base, in the galactic hinterlands' Zol system." Celestra responded calmly.

"Oh yes..." It came back to him. "I left a brigade of second-class Gamilans in charge of planet Teron's conquest, didn't I?" He took the message in his rather large office. As an attendant served him a drink, Shult'z holographic form came into existence and salute.

"I am Valke Shultz, commander of the armies besieging Teron, My lord."

Vice-Leader Redoff Hiss, Dessler's second in command, spoke first. "Shultz, you are contacting us without your commanding officer, Goer's, approval," his tone was harsh, "Normally, this act would be grounds for- ", He was cut off by Dessler.

"Now, now, let him speak Hiss."

"Y-yes sir." Hiss was surprised, as his lord was letting this relatively low-level officer speak directly to him, he backed off.

Picking up his drink, "Your report, Shultz?"

Himself surprised he was being let off the hook for breaking protocol, Shultz composed himself. "Yes sir. This morning, at Tam ten oh six Gamilas Standard Time, after fierce combat, the Plat advanced base destroyed the Teron FTL-capable spaceship Yamato."

Without even batting an eye, "What of it?" Dessler asked. Even though his tone wasn't... dismissive it clearly didn't appear to mean much to him.

Adopting a somewhat worried tone... "Well... I wanted to report our victory to you directly."

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