Chapter Five

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"Damn it all!" Yamato slammed her fist into the screen. Another failed simulation, and it wasn't the crew's fault. It was hers.

"Yamato, you really need to stop breaking stuff. It's getting expensive." Noted Kirishima. She was taking time to train Yamato into being a spaceship since... well it had become clear she was still a warship of the oceans. "Same issues as before huh?"

"Yes... they came at me from all angles and destroyed us. I was unprepared."

"Well, that's because you're still thinking like a battleship."

Footage that was sent from Zedan's moon reached the base on Plat, and General Goer's holographic image watched in the command center along with the senior staff in the base. It showed a single teron woman being shot by one of their mechanical soldiers and only looking annoyed as a result. Along the sleeve of her coat was possibly the name of the ship she belonged to. Of course, the fact she was able to survive without any form of protection in the atmosphere was indication enough that wasn't a human they were dealing with. "So, they do have Zekzens themselves." Commented Goer. "I didn't think a backwards species such as this had any. Do we know its name?"

"The translator indicates her name is 'Yamato' sir."

"Show me an image of this 'Yamato'." Footage from the armored tank attack was brought up and showed the ship of... quite interesting design. "What an ugly ship that is. Not a bit of grace to it!"

"The Yamato is probably on its way here, to Plat," said Shultz, "We'll lure it in and destroy it."

"Is there any guarantee they'll come here?" Goer, instead of his usual pompous self actually seemed curious about if the plan would work.

"The planet bombs that turned their planet into a red husk were launched here."

"I see," he said looking pleased, "Then this is a splendid chance for your inferior race, of differently colored skin, to demonstrate your loyalty to Gamilas." Unlike the soldiers at the Plat Base, Goer was a blue skinned native of Gamilas. They considered themselves the superior human variant to those such as the native Terons, or the Zaltzi soldiers who fill the ranks here. In fact, the Terons and Zaltzi could easily pass as each other, as most humans who filled the stars shared those kinds of skin tones with each other. The Gamilons were different though.

This did cause anger within Shultz, but he didn't let it show. "We're every bit as loyal to the Empire as pure-blooded Gamilans!"

Goer laughed. "That's what I want to see in a Great Gamilas soldier. I shall expect results." He finished the communication with a salute. "Garle Desslar! Hail to our leader!"

"Hail to our leader!" Responded Shultz as he and the command staff saluted back. "I long for those days when I fought for General Domel."

Jarletora nodded. "Indeed."

"How is the scheduled strike coming?"

Ganz responded. "Planet bomb one oh three will launch shortly."

In orbit, a series of satellites were repositioning themselves to allow for a cannon to aim at a passing asteroid. "Target sighted, Reflecting Satellite Cannon charging." Reported the officer responsible for this operation. "Pressure rising... Reflecting Satellite Cannon charging complete."

"Fire." With that order from Jarletora, the cannon launched its beam towards the sky from its undersea position. Thanks to the satellites the energy bounced around the planet before finally charging towards the asteroid. This caused it to ignite and change course.

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