I walked up to him and stood next to him, taking in a deep breath. "The cherry blossoms are always beautiful during this time of year."

He glanced at me and said nothing.

"Springtime. A season of change and rebirth," I brushed a strand of hair away from my face and fully faced him. "Nozel."

He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. He looked truly ethereal. "(y/n). I can't believe it. I'm a graduate already."

I took note of how he silently placed his hand on mine. 

"I'm heading off to my first year at Oxford and you're going to be a second-year at Spade Academy." 

"Time really flies." 

We stared at the bay with sadness in our hearts.

"Hey, (y/n)? Can I promise you something?"


He took something out of his pocket. It was a promise ring.

What the hell?!

He slid it on my finger. "If you'll have me, I want to marry you one day. Something inside me tells me that we are destined to be."

"Nozel..." My heart pounded.

"I don't know why," he continued. "You keep showing up in these visions that I have more frequently."

I looked at the silver promise ring, admiring it. "You know, I never accepted your...promise."

"But you will," he said with a smile.

I nodded with a red face. "I will. I accept your promise, Nozel Silva. But these visions...tell me about them."

He looked around and took out a tiny sketchbook. "I'll do you one better. I'll show you."

I opened the sketchbook and saw a drawing of a grimoire with a clover-and-snowflake entanglement.

"The grimoire..." my voice was barely a whisper. "You've had those vision too, right? Where you were supposedly a wizard king-"

"In the Clover Kingdom," he finished. "Weird, right?"

I shrugged. "I read somewhere that...when two people share the same visions on repeat...maybe they're soulmates."

He lifted my hand and kissed the promise ring. "Then, I'm happy to have you as my soulmate. Even though you're a huge ice-queen."

"And I guess I can live with you being my soulmate, snotty-Silva." I sighed. 

I flipped through the notebook and saw more drawings of the visions I saw.

Yuno wearing special robes that I concluded were from this group called the 'Golden Dawn', Asta as a part-demon, and me in what appeared to be a kitsune-devil takeover.

There was even a picture of a little boy with silver hair and (e/c) eyes. He was sitting next to what looked like a grave with markings on it, holding a (favorite flower). 

For some reason, the little boy stood out to me more than the rest.

"I still can't believe we hated each other before. I mean, look at you!! You're amazing."

I bumped his shoulder after giving him the notebook. "You're not so bad yourself."


"I'll see you soon," Nozel said to his family. We were watching him and Fuegeleon. They were about to get on the flight heading to Berlin, Germany for a stop-over before going on another plane to London, England.

My father shook his hand. "Study hard, young man. If you're marrying my precious daughter one day, you'd better be able to support her and any family you might have."

"Y-Yes, Sir!"

"Don't call me sir. Call me William Grinberryal, or if you're up to it, Father."

"Yes, F-Father!"

I sighed in relief. At first, my father was furious that Nozel did something like that, but he cooled down.

The rest of my family wasn't too surprised. His family wasn't surprised either.

Nebra, Acier, Noelle, and especially Rina were all fangirling when Nozel announced it.

"Hey, Fuegeleon!" I ran up to the vermillion-haired male. "Take care of this dumbass for me, won't you? Make sure he eats properly and-"

Fuegeleon patted my head. "Don't worry, (y/n). I knew what I was signing up for when I asked to be his roommate." He lowered his voice. "And I'll be able to keep an eye on him. You and I both know he'll eventually go berserk and try to climb on the next flight to Tokyo to come back here."

"Flight 723 to Berlin, Germany is getting ready to depart. First-class passengers, please prepare your belongings, passports, and plane tickets."

"Well, see you in December," the two males gave us all hugs and got in line.

Solid linked his arm with mine. "Don't think about it, (y/n). You and I know very well that once he's pledged loyalty to someone and made a promise, he'll keep it. He'll be back."

"I know."

Nozel turned around briefly and told Fuegeleon to hold his spot before running back to me, moving Solid aside, and kissing me. "Don't you dare find someone else, (y/n) Grinberryal. You're mine, got that?"

He pressed his forehead against mine and cupped my cheeks, purple eyes meeting (e/c) eyes.

"I won't, Nozel. Now get on that plane and get out of here."

"Always so eager to get rid of me, that's the trouble with you."

I pushed him away. "Go!"

"Oh, and (y/n)?" He ran his fingers through my hair. "You're my girlfriend. And someday-" he lifted my hand and kissed the promise ring. "You'll be my wife."


He let me go and got back on line with Fuegeleon who teased his flustered companion.

"He's got it bad for you," Yuno said with a straight face.

"M-Maybe if I-I marry Bakasta you'll be my sister-in-law and cousin-in-law," Noelle whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened and I hugged the youngest Silva. "You like my dumbass cousin?!"


"So, if Nozel and I get married and if you marry my cousin, we will really be family!"

Acier placed her hand on my shoulder. "I've always wanted another daughter, (y/n). I already see you as my own."

My mother looked at her best friend with a sigh. "Acier, she's my daughter." Then she smiled. "But I always wanted another son other than those three." She eyed my three brothers who were busy bothering Yuno.

Well, actually Ashio was ignoring them and tapping away at his game.

The rest of the passengers got on the plane and soon, it was flying in the sky.

We left the airport as the sun was setting.

I breathed out a bittersweet sigh. "See you later, snotty-Silva."

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