Jimin and I searched the whole hospital and Kara was no where to be seen, we both meet at the fire staircase. He was pissed , worried, I never saw Jimin like this before.

"Why did you let her go ?" Jimin sighed as he leaned against the wall.

Why did I let her go ?.

I let her go because I couldn't handle the disappointment and sadness in her eyes, I let her down, I thought I was doing the right thing. 

If She wasn't a good mother to her daughter maybe she would be a good grandmother to her grandson.I thought.

And she was, I saw it in her eyes the first time she held Taemin in her arms, She wasn't the cold hearted, harsh woman I met. She was tender, caring, exactly like Kara. 

I heaved out a deep sigh and rubbed my forehead, trying to stop my thoughts,but I couldn't stop visualizing her tear stained face.

 the way she looked at me so sadly, so full of disappointment. I could hear her crying in my mind.it was painful, my heart felt heavy in my chest. If only she didn't ran away from me.

"Where could she be ?" Jimin asked again when he noticed how quiet I became.

"It's not your fault Taehyung, you did it because you wanted Taemin to meet his grandmother, I understand and I completely agree , I just…." 

"You don't need to tell me all this "I said smiling at him.

"I let her down and I'm full aware of it" I said and Jimin sighed.

"That makes the two of us " 

"I think I know where she could be" 

"Hurry up and say it , let's go what are we doing here " Jimin said, rushed.

"We're not going" I said pulling my phone out of my pocket. "We're going home "

"What the fuck are you saying?" Jimin frowned , taking my phone out of my hand,"talk to me !" 

"She wanted to stay away from me and I'm doing so until she comeback on her own" I stated taking my phone from his hands again.

"She's gonna be so mad when she comes back " Jimin noted and I nodded with a sigh.

We headed back home to be surprised with my parents sitting in the living room along with uncle and his wife and Hayon.

"Did you find her ?" My mom asked,panicked.

"Why are you alone ?" Uncle asked looking at Jimin as he sat down.

"We couldn't find her any where " Jimin informed, as Hayon rubbed his shoulder.

I left the living room and walked to the kitchen and just stood there looking at it,I felt lost, this wasn't compare to anything I felt before.

There was no greater connection in this world than the one I have with her. My love for her was all powerful and so solid and I promised myself to spend the rest of my days filling her with it.

"Taehyung !"

I turned around when I heard Hayon's voice softly called, she smiled at me as she made her way towards me.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" She asked studying my face and I smiled at her remembering how she used to do that when we were together.

"You were right " I said and she looked me in the eyes.

"What you mean ?"

"About what you said before " I said, looking down at my feet in shame.

"I said a lot of stupid shit back then Taehyung and none of them were true"

The Last Flower [KTH] vol.2Where stories live. Discover now