Come back to me ben...

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So Ben and Rey finally see each other again.. how will they react I hope you enjoy this :) I recommend listening to Hold on by Chord Overstreet while reading this

Reys POV
I looked at Ben as he removed his mask, he was still the man I fell in love with, those dark brown eyes his dark brown hair. But he had more fear and sadness in his eyes then I remembered... With out even thinking I got up out of the chair I was being interrogated in and jumped into Bens arms, streams of tears poured down my face.
"Oh Ben I missed you".
This was a feeling I hadn't felt since the day Ben left, love... Then quickly reality caught up with me, Ben was Kylo Ren now he killed so many he wasn't the man I fell in love with..he wasn't my Ben.. I pulled out of Bens arms as he began to speak.
"Rey I'm so glad your hear you see I have found newfound power with the help of my new master I am now more powerful than ever, Rey were a dyad you are very strong in the force too."
"We could rule the galaxy together no one would stand in our way Rey we would be unstoppable".
I paused in shock of the words I just heard come out of Bens mouth Kylos mouth. I start to step back creating more space between me and Kylo, tears again start to fall down my face.
"Your mother was right, I don't know you anymore,".
"Ben your breaking my heart".
"Your going down a path I can't follow." Ben begins to yell at me
"Because OF WHAT My MOTHER told YOu!".
"Because OF What you've DONE what you PLan To DO!"
"I saw the Visions Of What YoU Did but I never believed them to be TRUE".
I step in closer to Ben with tears in my eyes
LHold me like you did on Jakku, when there was nothing but our love".
"No war no politics no light and dark just our love you and me Ben.."
"Don't I mean anything to you did those moments mean NOTHING!
"I guess they DIDNT because you just LEFT ME Ben.."
"How could you!" I yell as I push against Ben and step back. I looked at Ben as he was about to speak..

Bens POV
Of course I cared about Rey I loved Rey.. I never wanted to leave her how could I make her understand...
"Rey I.." Just as I was about to speak I was interrupted by Supreme Leader Snoke my new Master..
"Kylo Ren is this the girl you told me about"?
"Yes Master" I say hesitantly.
"Good now has she decided to join us here?"
"She she.." Before I can answer Rey cuts me off.
"No you wrinkly a*s I did not say I would join your little dark side cult and I NEVER will!"
Oh god no Rey he's going to kill you please don't kill her please I need her...
"Fine then you shall die the mighty Kylo Ren kill the girl now!"
"Now... maybe I sh should w" Before I can finish Snoke cuts me off
"Dew it Now!!!" I look over at Rey
"Ben please" She whispered.
"I'm sorry" I say back to her.
I then begin to force choke Rey trying to be as gentle as possible but Snoke was watching me so I couldn't fake it. I watch as Reys hands wrap around her throat as she gasping for air.
"Ben" Rey whispered.
I see Snoke still standing watching me so I continue. Rey gives out one last breath and collapses to the floor. I hold all my feelings in oh god how I so badly wanted to grab her before she fell. Rey was laying on the floor motionless oh god no Ben what have you done.
"Good Ren I will leave you to continue your training".
The second Snoke leaves I run over to Rey.
"Rey Rey please be ok please wake up"
"Rey wake UP!" Tears start to pour down my face as I collapse over Reys motionless body.
"Rey please come on my little Rey of sunshine please wake up."
All of a sudden I start to feel Reys pulse it was very weak but it was there, oh thank god. I knew I needed to get Rey to find medical help right away or I would lose her... Obviously I couldn't take her to the medical facilities here I knew where I had to take her. I had to take her to the Resistance ... I had to take her to my mom... I scooped Rey up in my arms bridal style, running to the nearest ship then I started to take off heading to the Resistance base.
"Hang in there Rey were almost there"....

So there it is I hope people noticed the Anakin and Padme references I know  the story is kinda sad right now but trust me there will be a happy ending :). Hope you enjoy and continue to enjoy :)

A Reylo AU:Come back to me BenWhere stories live. Discover now