Before I go to you

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Before Rey goes to find Ben she will get a little bit of training from Luke I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

Reys POV
"Ben Ben turned to the dark side" I say as my voice shakes.
"I'm afraid so Rey"
"But but my visions can't be true Ben would nev" I started saying before Leia cut me off
"What visions Rey?" She asked
"Earlier today I had a vision of Ben he was.." I paused and took a deep breath.
"Ben was killing younglings and he got in this ship, and their was this weird wrinkly man"
"Palpatine?" Leia asked
"No Ben said his name was Snoke also Ben now goes by Kylo Ren" I said.
I looked over at Leia as tears fell down her face and as Hans eyes began to water.
"What did we do wrong" Leia and Han both said now both having tears in their eyes. "We should have I should have never taken him away from you Rey" Leia said
"Your the only thing that was keeping him in the light, oh what have I done" Leia burys her head into Han as tears pour down her face.
"Rey please come with us, help us bring our son home" Han and Leia said to me.
"I will bring your son home I promise".
We got on the Falcon and sped off, the last time I was here was with Ben... I know I said I would save Ben but I didn't know if I could...
"Rey umm we're going to send you to do some training with luke for a week or two before you see Ben just in case..."
"ok" I replied.
Would Ben really hurt me? I didn't know anymore but I would do what Leia and Han asked anything to bring Ben back. We arrived on a small planet called Achto which Luke waiting for me.

Luke's POV
I sensed the force very strongly in Rey I really should have trained her... Who would of guessed the darkness was my own nephew and I thought it was Rey, I was wrong.. "Hello Rey" I say
"Hello Luke Skywalker I mean master"
"Ok Rey I will be teaching you very simple tricks just in case you need to use them when you go to see Ben"
I really hoped Ben wouldn't hurt Rey I didn't believe he would but I sensed the darkness rising I wasn't taking any chances. For the next two weeks I trained the girl in some Jedi tricks mostly defense she could use against Ben. She was a very promising student she worked hard picked up things very quickly, she reminded me a lot like Ben... that was what scared me.
"Master Skywalker I'm sorry about Ben but you didn't fail him"
"he failed you"
Rey was wrong and was afraid of what would happen when she found out the truth... I did fail Ben I should have let Rey train with him she was the only thing keeping that Vader in him stable...
"Thank you Rey" I manage to say.
"Your ready to face Ben Rey just remember the force will be with you always." I said.
I watched as Rey flew back to the resistance base I hope I trained her well I can't lose her like I lost Ben with both of the dyad the galaxy would be doomed.

Reys POV
The training from Luke was very helpful but I hoped I would never have to use it especially on Ben... When I arrived at the base Han and Leia were standing their waiting for me. As I got off the X-Wing Leia brought me into a big hug
"bring our son home" she said to me tears start to drip down my face as I make my way to Ben.
When I arrived on Starkiller base where Ben was I was captured by a group of stormtroopers.
"hey let me go!"
I don't remember much because they knocked me out all I remember is waking up in an interrogation room. Ben was there searching my memories I don't think he could really see me with his mask on so he didn't recognize me but when he saw my memories he knew.
"Rey" he said jumping back.
So here it is they've finally reunited their will be more to them reuniting in the next chapter I hope you enjoy the story so far and continue to enjoy:)

A Reylo AU:Come back to me BenWhere stories live. Discover now