Ch. 35: The Message

Start from the beginning

"No!" I snapped, and he put his hands up.

This is going to be a stressful day. I just hope it doesn't take long fo decode this message, I thought to myself.

"Okay. okay no need to lose your cool," He surrendered. "But you tow are best friends. Today things are really... awkward and you seem so angry and you directing it mostly and Naruto."

"I know but it nothing just woke up in a bad mood," I groaned, and he lapsed into silence, leading us to wherever the heck we were going.


"Why are you here?" I asked entering the Cipher Corps building. I spotted Naga one of the messager snakes laying on a table in a room filled with books.

"Yeah I was sent to deliver a message, Naga started, "But I didn't want to wake you. You looked like you had a long night."

Naruto snorted, and I shot him a look. Naga gave a confused look at the gesture, but I focused on Naruto.

"What?" He asked.

"Are you really going to keep doing this?" I asked him, rolling my eyes.

"You keep acting like you don't care," He pointed out. "Why can't I do the same?"

I really don't want to deal with this right now. I just want to go back to bed and forget about all my problems.

My golden snake eyes bore into his blue ones, and we stared at each other for the longest time.

"Um," Naga hissed, confused.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, this code. What're we supposed to be deciphering?"

"This," Shikamaru said, sliding the picture small toad's back onto the table so Naruto and I could view it. "Lady Hokage and Kakashi-sensei had no idea of what it could mean. You were both Lord Jiraiya students, so I figured you'd  be able to decode it."

"While you do that I will be in Hokage office waiting for you Lady June," Naga said, and I nodded before Naga poof away.

"it's just a bunch of numbers," Naruto said flatly not even glancing at the picture.

"You haven't even looked at it," I said scowling at him. "How do you expect to figure out what it means?"

"Maybe I don't want to know what it means, June," He said.

"well you should, Naruto," I said.

"And you're gonna make me?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow. the whole, we were stepping closer to each other, and now, we were directly in front of each other, glaring at each other intently.

"Guy!" Shiho shouted. "We're supposed to be deciphering a code which we can't do if you two keep building up such thick tension!"

"I'm not sure we can decipher it," naruto said. "June not one to take time and look into what someone means. She doesn't even bother."

The fact he is constantly bringing that up so many times is really getting on my nerves. I'm already in a bad mood about my nightmare last night and he just making things worse.

"Can you just let that go for 5 minutes?' I snapped, glaring at him.

"Why should I?" He shot back.

"Okay!" Shikamaru interrupted. "What the heck is going on with you two?"

"I told her that I'm in love with her," Naruto answered, his eyes never leaving mine.

Their reactions were priceless. I, on the other hand, wanted to just wish my father was here to give me advice.

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