Chapter 65: Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea what you mean." Casey said innocently, leaning down and placing a kiss against his lips.

He moaned softly as she trailed kisses from his lips, down to his jaw, before continuing further down his neck. She nipped the sensitive skin just below his ear, causing him to writhe beneath her and slip his hands up her thighs.

His fingers trailed up further, looking for the hem of her underwear, but found nothing. Excitement suddenly coursed through his veins and he squeezed her hips, gasping as she ground against him and took him in in one swift movement.

"I don't need any presents." he stammered between shallow breaths, "Nothing could be better than this."


"Oh, for God's sake, could you not have kept it in your pants for five minutes." Evan exclaimed as Seb and Casey made their way downstairs half an hour later.

"He wasn't wearing any pants." Casey replied, sending Evan a wink as she laced her fingers together with Seb's and lead him over to the couch nearest the Christmas tree.

"You had one job Case, go upstairs and wake up Seb."

"He is awake now, isn't he?" Casey replied, gesturing towards Seb with her remaining free hand.

"Yes, awake, 30 minutes later than anticipated and covered in a less-than-subtle layer of sweat that says you went above and beyond your duty." Evan ranted, waving his hands in the air exasperatedly.

Seb's brow raised in amusement as he was lead past Evan and a quietly bemused-looking Jacob.

"Oh, shut up. The presents weren't going to grow legs and make a run for it. They're still here, Ev. And now we can open them." Casey said dismissively, curling up in Seb's lap at the opposite end of the couch to the two boys.

"Right, santa-hat me." Evan said, clicking his fingers towards Jacob who reluctantly threw him a red and white fluffy hat.

They watched on in amusement as he strutted towards the over-laden Christmas tree and rubbed his hands together.

"What time did you say we're flying out?" Casey asked quietly, turning to Seb and running her fingers through his unruly mop of blonde hair.

"11:30am." he replied, smiling tiredly and relaxing back into the couch.

"And coming back tomorrow, right?" she asked. Seb nodded, tracing patterns across her thigh absent-mindedly.

"You'll meet my sisters and brother this time too." he mumbled contentedly.

Casey leaned into him and kissed his cheek softly, letting her lips linger on his skin for a few seconds more than necessary, "Christmas with the Vettels, huh?"

"You'll be the first non-Vettel to witness the event." he chuckled before pausing, "Though technically you will be a Vettel one day."

Casey narrowed her eyes at him and couldn't stop a grin from spreading across her face as he smirked back at her.

"As if I would ever marry you, yuck." she retorted playfully, leaning in to bite his lip affectionately.

"Open this." Evan said, suddenly bursting into their shared reverie and thrusting a gift towards Casey.

"Thanks!" she said brightly, taking the gift from his hands and turning the tag over to read it.

"To Casey, from Santa. Really, Evan?" she said dubiously, identifying his hand-writing immediately.

"It's fucking Christmas, who do you think brings all the presents? The tooth fairy?" Evan retorted with a massive grin across his face.

"I knew he was into Christmas, but I never knew he was this into Christmas." Jacob said warily.

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