Chapter 39: Time To Fight

Beginne am Anfang

Kage was moving the fastest I've seen him leaving a trail of splats wherever he went and he fought alongside Sue who was dual wielding splatlings again mowing down the enemy wherever her weapons were pointed.

Pearl was also moving quickly but also adding the powerful effects of her war cry into her assault stopping whoever challenged her in their tracks. Marina was fighting beside her, as her shield blocked the shots aimed at both her and pearl with contemptuous ease and splatting anyone who tried to fight her.

Callie was crushing the opposition with her roller leaving a trail of ink, splats, and broken dreams in her wake followed closely behind was Marie sniping anyone who dared come close to either one of the Squid Sisters.

But it seemed the most powerful of all was Frozo; he was wielding the mini stamp hammer and swinging it wherever the nearest enemy was. I had to admit even without his powers he was as powerful as a blizzard in battle heck he could even take out Akuyaku with ease if he wanted to.

We were definitely winning even though each enemy we splatted just respawned in the megaweapon coming out ready for more punishment but no matter what we always sent them back to respawn. Still, I knew that we couldn't keep this up forever. I was already sweating from the amount of effort though the lightweight inkbrush helped it wouldn't save me from becoming tired and eventually getting overwhelmed.

Octavia's POV

We were winning easily. I thought that nothing would ever be easy but we were winning with ease.

Though we needed to figure out how to stop them from respawning (though I'd rather not kill innocent Octolings it's not their fault they're being controlled by DJ Octavio) or they would just keep coming and eventually beat us out of sheer numbers alone but we just kept fighting never giving up still I wanted to get to Aio to protect him like Marina was doing for Pearl but I couldn't get through the sea of enemies to help him.

I threw a sprinkler down getting one splat somehow by some Octoling walking into it. Then I saw it, a truck flying towards us

"Finally, Callie, Marie, Pearl and Marina it's time!" Frozo shouted and the truck landed and the four of them piled on top and it took off.

I heard radio static coming from the truck and then it started the Calamari Inkantation. I fought with renewed vigor, the song filling me with determination it seemed we were gonna win.

"NOT THIS SONG AGAIN!" Octavio yelled

"OK GIRLS MAKE THEM FACE THE MUSIC!" Frozo shouted. But then the curtained off section above Octavio opened up in it was another turntable and behind it was the one whose songs I listened to while fighting to get here.

DeadF1sh, she started to play #8 Regret which started to grow in volume and intensity till DJ Octavio joined in completely drowning out the song that was playing in my heart.

"NOW! CAN'T YOU SEE WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS THIS DAY WITH THE COMBINED MUSICAL MIGHT OF DEADF1SH AND MYSELF WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!" Octavio shouted and the music changed again this time into her version of Splattack!

Though heavily remixed (which made it even more remixed than before) now believe me music has great power and this remix was basically death directed at us I felt myself getting physically weaker while as I looked upon the enemy they seemed to be getting stronger and then disaster struck.

TarTar had charged his giant splatling and had shot down the flying truck they had turned the tide.

We had been captured and were being held down by the enemy then I saw her walking towards me.

It was the same Octoling from my first day I inkopolis, the second in command.

Aio's POV

We had lost we were at their mercy, there was an Octoling or cohock holding each one of my limbs including my tentacles for some reason then I saw an elite Octoling walking towards me she had golden framed Octoling shades on.

"you must be Agent 3" she said

"yeah the same one who will defeat you!" I told her she simply laughed

"no you won't win for we have won already can't you see that, now I believe that Octavia is dating you is that correct?" she asked I didn't say a word instead glaring daggers at her which seemed a sufficient answer for her.

"well then you probably would hate to see her hurt" she said

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!!" I shouted at her

"oh we won't she will be the only one who survives this but you on the other hand..." she said pulling a knife on me

"will not live to see our full victory" she finished. She raised her knife. I looked at Octavia. She would survive but she would live in misery as she told me I wanted Octavia to be happy with or without me, I just hoped that she could.

The knife falls.



All's Fair in Love And Turf War (male) Agent 3 X (female) Agent 8 storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt