Chapter 7

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Harry scurried to Louis' door, groceries swinging in his hand, he was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, he was so excited. Tonight was his date with Louis. He had tried and retried his recipe multiple times so it was pretty much perfect. He hadn't been able to contact Louis though, he had lost his phone, he hoped and preyed that it was at Louis' because if not, he had no idea where it could be, he had looked everywhere. Knocking on the door he smiled in anticipation to see what the beautiful teacher would be wearing tonight on their date. Date, how he enjoyed saying that word, specially when it concerned the most gorgeous guy on earth, well in Harry's mind anyway. Louis opened the door looking panic stricken a slight bit of anger as well. Quickly Harry spoke up,

"Please tell me you have a really deep pan and please tell me I left my phone here?"

"You did" Louis just stood there breathing deeply, chest slowly going in and out, blankly staring ahead, obviously something serious was on his mind.

"Louis?" Harry said getting slightly worried by Louis' blankness "Whats wrong?"

Louis snapped out of it soon enough. "I was trying to work, it kept buzzing, I thought it was an emergency, your parents or something so I looked at it, erm, just take it, look at it yourself" Harry gave Louis a questioning glance then took the phone out of his hand, he looked down at it and pressed the middle button down, the screen lit up with a new message screen,


Lucky you, Harry! Other boys get to do their homework. You get to do your teacher... -A

Harry looked down at it, his eyes nearly bugged out their sockets. There was no spelling mistakes, no 'text talk', it was straight to the point, is it possible that that made it more scary? Who was A? How did A know what was happening? Did anybody else know? Harry literally had no idea.

"Who's A?" Louis' voice stopped the questions that were passing through Harry's head, he looked up,

Harry shook his head in disbelief, how dare Louis think that he had told anyone? "I don't know"

"How many of your friends did you tell?"

"I didn't!"

"Because if 'A' knows I'm thinking 'B' and 'C' and everybody else knows too"

"The person who sent this is not my friend"

"You told me you were mature enough to handle this. Do you know if the school, or anybo...."

"I didn't tell anyone! You have to believe me!"

"Well I don't" Harry was about to say something when what Louis had said finally processed. He stared at Louis disgusted, so much for trust in a relationship..... Realising what he had just implied Louis muttered,

"Just...go. Go. Now" Harry turned around halfway then stopped, contemplating if he should say anything or refuse to leave, deciding against it, he turned the full way and walked away slowly, still in shock. Harry heard the door slam shut as he turned away and began walking. Who was A? Harry sure as hell was going to find them and get back with Louis if it was the last thing he did.


Harry walked down the school corridor, he hadn't spoken to Louis since the confrontation on Monday night, it was now Thursday. He saw Louis walking out of his classroom door, one hand gripping the strap of his satchel and one hand swinging loosely by his side. He stopped when he saw Harry, Harry went up to Louis thinking this was a perfect time to explain as he probably wouldn't be allowed within a 5 mile radius of Louis' flat, even though many students would be able to see them talking,

A+ Student-Larry Stylinson (teacher/student) *PERMANANT HAITIUS*Where stories live. Discover now