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Her facial expression holds pure anger and irritation towards me as she glares in my direction.

"I-I was out," I tell the truth even though I stuttered. She crosses her arms, "And where is 'out'?" She asks as I think hard not knowing what excuse I can make since I can't tell her I was with Harry.

"Having trouble coming up with a lie?" She raises an eyebrow. I really don't like this side of my mother but thankfully it doesn't show often however she still needs to calm down.

"Does it matter where I was?" That was probably the wrong thing to say...

"Excuse me? I am your mother and you're going to tell me right now where you were or I'm going to take your phone away for a week!" She yells at me, I step back huffing out a breath of air.

"I was with a friend." That wasn't a lie, surprisingly.

"Which friend?" She glares at me, "Harry." She'll probably really take my phone away now but she needs to learn to calm her shit. I'm seventeen years old and definitely don't need her bossing me around even if she is my mother.

"Chloe! What did I tell you about him?!" She starts telling me how bad he is and how if I hangout around him he'll rub off on me. Basically, saying he's a bad influence.

"And on top of that he is poor!" She yells in my face.

"Mother! Life is not all about money! It may seem like that to you but it's not. So what if he's poor, what does that change?" She seems angry that I talked back but I had to say it to defend Harry.

"It matters Chloe because if you end up with that-that thing he will ruin you! You will be poor and have to work your ass off for the rest of your life!"

"You have no right to say any of this about him!" She shakes her head.

She opens her mouth and says, "Young lady you better go to your room this instant before I call your father and tell him how disrespectful you're being towards me." Her warning doesn't scare me, my father is miles away so he can't do shit.

"Go ahead, see if I care! Call him I dare you," I know by now my face is red and tears are threatening to fall.

"Chloe," She warns.

"Mother." I mock and grin at her.

"Do not disrespect me." She says and I laugh.

"You know you being a godly woman sure do seem to skip the important parts," I laugh again and continue, "in the bible it says not to judge yet here you are judging Harry before even getting to know him." My mother seems taken back at my words but it seems to shut her up.

"Go to your room, now." I do as I'm told and thankfully she hands me my phone before we both storm off to our bedrooms. I slam my door before falling back onto my mattress letting out a puff of air as tears slide down my cheek reminding me of how weak I have been lately. My emotions have been all over the place and it all started when Blair died.

I thought I would loose my mind when I heard the news and noticed it was her. Sometimes I wonder if I could have done something to change her mind about committing suicide but sadly I never did and I regret that everyday knowing that maybe, just maybe I could have saved her. Some days I wonder if she's happy wherever she is because I sure hope so.

I remember the first time I saw her scars. I couldn't believe it at first then went home that night telling myself that it was just the cat even though I knew better. I just couldn't bare the thought of my best friend cutting herself knowing that she was so depressed that she felt the need to tear into her own skin slicing away like it would numb the pain.

The moment I saw them I should have told her mom but I didn't. She told me not to tell so I didn't but it wasn't until a few weeks later that they found her dead. She had drowned herself, ending her life in minutes. That was the first day I realized I actually and completely hated myself. I hated myself because I felt like I should have done something, I was the only one that knew yet I didn't tell.

I can't even look her parents in the eyes anymore. Her mother screamed at me while tears poured down her face, she just repeated over and over 'why? why didn't you tell us?' Her father just shook his head not even being able to look at me and that night was when I lost it. My mother was no comfort, I mean sure she told me it would be all right but there was no hug. No sympathy. Simply nothing. She was cold towards me like she was blaming me as well.

During that evening, I pulled out my laptop and searched 'chatting sites' but little did I know about these 'friendly chats with random strangers' as one website said. I talked to some people who understood what I was going through and tried comforting me while others only wanted to see my boobs or to 'sext' as they called it but I wasn't into that stuff (thankfully).

But now as I stare down at my phone, Eric's number taunting and reminding me of my stupid behavior for one early morning, I plug my phone in and crawl under the covers hoping to sleep decently tonight.

Merry Christmas! (It's Christmas Eve but still )
Chapter dedicated to:@niams_pizza_ For best comment!

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