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I shove the device back in my pocket, not in the slightest wanting to talk to him. I get in my car, and I'm starting it when I hear a peck on my window. I jump back, startled at first, then I realize it's just Harry. I take a breather and roll down my window.

"Did I scare you?" he chuckles, bending down a bit so he's eye level with the window.

"Just a little," I admit.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go for an early dinner?" he smiles, showing off his pearly whites.

"I...uh-" my phone buzzes, again the name reading 'Eric'.

"It's fine if you don't, I get it." he stands back up, his mood obviously dropping a few notches.

"I-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing again. I look down, to see it's Eric.

"You might want to get that." Harry motions to the phone resting in my lap.

"You know what? Sure, I'll go." his mouth pulls up into a smile as he bends back down.

"Really?" I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Yes. You can just follow me there?" I tell him, smiling.

He takes in my words, then says, "You wanna just take one car?" I think on it. It wouldn't hurt.

"Sure, that's fine." Harry gets in the passenger's seat, buckling up, then we head towards my house. It's quiet at first, till I decide to

speak. "So, how old are you?" I glance over at him.

"I'm nineteen," he answers. I thought he would be younger, but I guess not.

"Oh, then why are you helping at the school? I thought it was just students and teachers who were allowed to volunteer." he shifts in his seat before answering.

"This is my senior year." he breathes out. "I failed sophomore year." he looks out the window. The air seems to have gone crisp, even though it's summer.

"Oh, okay," I awkwardly say. I've never failed a grade, I wasn't allowed to. My parents had, and still have, high expectations for me. The lowest grade I've ever received was a B minus, and when my parents saw it I was scolded.

As we're driving through town, I notice we haven't figured out yet where we're eating at.

"Where do you want to eat at?" I ask, looking over at him. He's currently cleaning off his glasses, and after a second he puts them back on his head and turns to face me.

"Anywhere's fine with me." I nod my head, taking advantage of this opportunity to be able to pick where we eat. I head in the direction of Outback, seeming to be craving ribs. Hopefully Harry will be able to find something he likes on the menu. "So, how old are you? I can't remember if I asked or not." he chuckles.

I laugh too, before saying, "I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen on August 12th" We pull up to the restaurant. "Hope you like this. I probably should have asked."

He shakes his head, saying, "No, no, it's fine. I do like this, I just don't really come here very often," he explains.

We get out of the car. I lock the doors behind us we enter the building, a waitress immediately directing us towards a booth near the large window. I scan through the menu, looking at the side orders since I already know what I'm getting.

"Hello, welcome to Outback. My name is Lauren and I'll be your server today. What can I get you guys to drink?" a tall, young, dark-headed girl says. I notice Harry take small look towards her boobs, since they're right at eye level. I just shake my head when he notices me staring at him, and his cheeks turn red.

"Yes, I'll have a water with lemon." she jots that down, then looks towards Harry.

"And for you, sir?" Harry looks down at the table.

"I... uh, I'll have w-water." he fumbles with his words, which make me let out a muffled laugh.

"Okay. I'll have these right out!" she cheers, then runs off to the kitchen.

As soon as she out of earshot, I say, "You were totally checking out that girls boobs." I smile as he blushes again.

"N-no. I wasn't," he stutters, having trouble making eye contact with me.

"It's okay, Harry, I half expected you to," I admit. He looks up.

"Well, I am a guy," he mutters, looking through the menu.

"And that's why I knew you would," I tell him.

He glances back up at me and says, "Her boobs were right in my face, so I kind of had no choice but to look- since that was the first thing I saw when I looked up." his cheeks seem to tone down a bit, just as the waitress comes back.

"Here you guys go," she says, sitting our drinks down on the table. Harry still seems to have trouble making a solid eye contact with the young girl. "What can I get you guys to eat?" she looks between the two of us.

"I'll have the half rack of ribs with mash-potatoes and green beans." I fold my menu, placing it on the edge of the table.

"And for you?" she looks towards Harry.

"I'll have the same."

After she leaves, we sit and stare at each other for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. "I really liked the card Harry," I finally speak up. The 'get well soon' card might have made no sense, since I'm not sick, but it was the sweetest thing anybody has done for me in a while.

"You're welcome. It was really nothing, I probably should have just gave you the gift card and left out the stupid card," he tells me, shaking his head.

"No, the card was my favourite part," I tell him. He raises a brow.


"Yes, really. It was very sweet." I smile. It's silent again as we wait on our food to come out.

"So, do you work anywhere?" I think back to the little book store I begged my parents to let me work at, and when I say 'beg'... I mean beg. Mom thought it was a waste of time, since I didn't need the money. And of course my dad was only worried that the stress of having to balance work and school would make my grades drop.

But, after convincing my parents I wouldn't let it affect my school work, they finally gave in, and I'm so thankful. I work three days a week, which isn't bad at all. I would honestly like to work there every day. I love it when we get a new shipment of books in, or someone donates to the little old store, because then I get to go through all of them and pick which ones I want first.

"I work at a bookstore not far from school," I finally say.

I absolutely love the owner/manager of the store. She's an elderly lady with an imagination as big as Mars. She tells stories (some true and some not so true), but nevertheless, she's hilarious and fun to be around.

"That's cool. I didn't honestly see you as one to work," he admits. I bet I can guess why.

"Yeah, most people don't," I say, just as our food comes out.

We eat in peaceful silence, both of us too busy indulging in our food to take time in making small talk. Just as we're getting ready to leave, my phone rings from my back pocket. I pull it out, half expecting it to be my mother, but when the caller name reads 'Eric'. My blood runs cold.

EDITOR: @directioneremo



I finally updated!

I'm really sorry for the wait :/

But I've started to write short Harry Styles stories so please go check them out! You can find them in my 'works'

Also this chapter is dedicated to: @Mr_Rumor_Red for the sweetest comment!

Blackmail - Harry Styles **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now