recette 1

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Ludovica Lucas looked amused as her eyes wandered to the statue of the Queen of the Sweets Spirits before the St

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Ludovica Lucas looked amused as her eyes wandered to the statue of the Queen of the Sweets Spirits before the St. Marie Academy of the branch in Japan. The academy is a culinary school for sweets, Ludovica never was one to like sweets in general unlike her cousin, Henri Lucas who was more known compared to her; but she never minded of it, he is known as a genius, after all.

"I see, you've finally came." Chairman Moriyama laughed enthusiastically which caused Ludovica to turn around quickly to find the grey-haired man with glasses, his green eyes sparkling behind the spectacles.

Ludovica forced a smile, not expecting to talk to the chairman this early in the morning, it was 5:55 in the morning. The young girl bowed slightly to show respect to the man, though, he laughed signalling her to stand straight. "Henri thought I'd give sweets making a second chance," Ludovica started, looking down at her shoes. Her cousin always thought that she had specialties in sweets since she had a sweets spirit with her. She once attended St. Marie Academy in France and was taught privately as well, but other than that she moved to a regular school. Ludovica believed sweets making wasn't her thing, but she did practice her skills behind the doors of her home.

"Ah, yes, he did inform me that you will judge for the Grand Prix." Chairman Moriyama said thoughtfully and Ludovica nodded stiffly. The only thing she accepted was judging the tastes pâtissier and pâtissière had made, she did have a good palate. Henri trusted her and did bring her to places outside the branch in France. It wasn't her first time in the Japanese branch, but it was her first time judging in the school. "But for you to be early here, quite strange might I say." Chairman Moriyama looked at the sky, he had remembered when Ludovica would visit St. Marie at a young age, her favourite place was Salon de Marie and she had made friends there.

"I was just trying to get familiar with this place. I haven't been here quite a while, and I heard that Henri has scouted a girl by the name of Amano Ichigo." Ludovica shared, the chairman looked optimistic as always to no surprise. "And I just wanted to be the first to go to Salon de Marie. I have something for Kurosu-kun and Osamu-kun." Ludovica added, she knew how Salon de Marie starts early in the morning and Kurosu and Osamu were important people.

"Of course, of course, please go ahead." Chairman Moriyama chuckled, noticing the bag that Ludovica held in her left hand. Ludovica bowed slightly before leaving the chairman to do his own thing since the day would start soon. Ludovica politely smiled at the students who were preparing Salon de Marie, they stared at the unfamiliar girl before Osamu Mutoh blocked the girl from everyone's view, stepping out of Salon de Marie he looked at the girl in a questioning manner.

"Why didn't you tell me you'd be here? I would have made something for you." Osamu sighed, even if he was a cold man, he had a soft spot for the girl who he had seen since she have started visiting the Japan branch. Ludovica laughed shortly, handing the older boy a bag. "What's this?" He asked her, taking the small bag from the girl.

"Just some sweets I've made in France." Ludovica nervously said, Osamu hummed. "I mean I tried, so I really do apologise—" Ludovica was cut off by another voice from the doors of Salon de Marie.

"Osamu-kun~! We'll have to start our—" A gasp left Kurosu Mamoru's lips as he realised Ludovica was in his presence. "Ludo-chan! Why didn't you tell me that you were here?" Kurosu quickly asked the girl who smiled awkwardly, Kurosu noticed Osamu holding something and then looked at him. "What's that?" He pointed with his slender index finger.

"A little gift." Ludovica smiled.

Kurosu smiled excitedly, but then averted his eyes to Osamu. "Hurry we should start the morning meeting." Kurosu reminded Osamu as to why he called him back in. "Come on in too, Ludo-chan, mornings are always cold. The meeting will be quick anyway." Kurosu dragged Ludovica in receiving stares from unfamiliar face. Osamu cleared his throat when he noticed how Ludovica felt uncomfortable under the stares. That was when Osamu started the meeting, Ludovica sat at one of the many tables that were opened. After the meeting ended, Kurosu served her a plate of hotcakes. "I know you haven't eaten." Kurosu answered and set the cold water on the table.

"Thank you," She quietly mumbled, her aura can never beat Kurosu's. He was rather lively compared to both Ludovica and Osamu. "Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen? I promise to visit during your break." Ludovica reassured the older boy, slightly nodding her head before starting to eat her breakfast made by Kurosu. Before the older boy left he sent the girl a smile. People quickly filled the place once she finished her breakfast.


Ludovica walked around the academy, looking at different students make sweets from afar. She wondered if that was how she looked like, they always seemed content whilst making sweets, but she quickly shook her head when she reminded herself that she was curious who the girl her cousin scouted. "Macaron's hungry," A tiny voice said, their stomach grumbling causing Ludovica arched an eyebrow at her sweets spirit.

"You could have asked the hotcakes from me, sheesh, Macaron." Ludovica mumbled before turning around, giving up with looking for the scouted student. She decided to go back to Salon de Marie, it was time for Kurosu and Osamu's lunch break anyway. Both said people were in their uniforms, Kurosu had a smile on his lips.

"We're going to the cafeteria," Osamu told Ludovica who had a frown on her lips once she heard what he said. Ludovica didn't want to enter the school she always felt left out. That was why she always stuck with Salon de Marie even if most of the students had graduated. She felt like the main building was only welcomed for Henri since Ludovica never belonged to St. Marie to begin with even if they shared the same great-grandmother who had founded the school.

"Eh~ I'll wait here!" Ludovica said, and Kurosu shook his head, dragging her. "I don't even think I'm allowed in there?" She made a lame excused which caused Osamu and Kurosu to roll their eyes. Osamu walked ahead of them whilst Kurosu tried the girl who planted her feet on the ground with such strength.

"Geez, Osamu, lend a hand please!" Kurosu huffed, glaring at Osamu's back whilst Ludovica smiled at Kurosu who was trying. "Are you planning on starving yourself? You better eat lunch! We can even catch up," Kurosu pouted at Ludovica who chuckled, she wasn't really keen on going to the cafeteria, especially with lots of people.

"Oh, come on," Osamu dragged Ludovica and on their way they heard screams. The trio all looked at the source of the sound and saw Henri Lucas, surrounded by girls from different grades. Ludovica snickered, thankful that she never partake in culinary seriously because they were quite known or more like the family members who were known as 'geniuses'.

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