Haunted by the Past

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Long nights were never good, especially not for Luca. She got restless. She developed an itch in her neck that traveled down her spine, she could never relieve it. If she stayed up long enough, in the same office chair, it made itself known. And that's exactly what happened the night of the day Luca met Andy's family.

"Mamma mia, che giornata! (Mamma mia, what a day!)"

She was still sat at her desk, paperwork in neat piles, too many piles. Her attire had changed, she now wore grey, perfectly fit, dress trousers with the silk dress shirt, and a matching suit coat that hung off her shoulders. She'd also changed the slip ons to more professional looking flats.

"I don't wanna do any moooree." she whined, placing her head on her desk and banging it down a few times.


She got up slowly, stretching a bit to get the blood flowing again. Her head hurt, I mean, it was 4:40am.

She walked around the office of the great Don Romano, her father, and one of the most respected Dons in the area.

Just one sip...

And as she did, she thought back to the days she'd spent with him. Her father was not a delicate man, he was actually quite harsh.

Two sips couldn't hurt...

"Questo è colpa tua! Colpa tua... (This is your fault! Your fault...)" she nearly shouted it out, but stopped herself just short of a mishap.

One more...couldn't hurt...

That's right , she blamed him for how she turned out. Such a devious person shouldn't exist. Such a heartless monster wasn't needed in this world. And yet her father continued his ways.

Just a little more...

He was a lot more of an influence then he thought. Every second he smoked, every minute he spent breaking someone. She was there, observing. At the age of nine, she knew. She could tell you if a man was going to die, she knew by the way he sweat, the way he spoke, his eyes. And she got it all from her father.

Should I...pour you a glass, papà?

"Scusa, papà, mi dispiace...per fav-vore p-perdonami...( I'm sorry, dad, I'm sorry...please for-give m-me...)"

She was drunk, she always was when this happened.

"I'm sorry for *hic* the way I acted back then, if I'd known I-" her breath hitched once again and she cried some more.


She screamed at the memorial on his old bedroom door. A picture of him was hung on there, and flowers were scattered all around the entrance of the room.


Without another thought, she plucked the huge ruby ring from her finger and threw it at the door.

"Tornare indietro...per favor, tornare indietro...(Take it back...please, take it back...)" she continued to weep at his door. And Luca wondered, Is this what you wanted, papà, is this the reason he did what he did? Did he want her this way?

Did this ever happen to him?

It was times like this when Luca wondered if she ever really knew him.

If he was a different man underneath all that power.

"Mia signora? (My lady?)" A voice was heard from behind the door.

"Entrare (Enter)" she muttered quietly. The door opened and an elderly man walked in. Upon seeing her state, he sighed, "You only drink when you're nervous"

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