Letting them in.

I shrieked as my vision replayed each and every moment with her.


Her dreams were gone.

It was all done.

She did not deserve this.

She was also an important person.

One thing I was afraid was theo.

His reaction was harmless as he told himself assured himself that it wasnt true.

She died after the two days when we left. Alone in a big house.

In her room. Nothing dangerous near her. On the floor.

There was still blood coming.

She was rushed to the hospital but it was too late.

They had to give up.

Nothing could change the fact she died.

She was indeed an inspiration.

A dream.

Any son or daughter would beg and love for a mother like her.

Always the best at giving advices and everything.

A bestfreind.

She was positive.

Nothing negative or off.

Always happy.

After the divorce she was free. Freedom.

But look know.

Theo blamed it on himself but it wasnt true.


His son.

The reaction on his face when the police and the hospital called him was enough to know what he was feeling.

His face showed darkness.


Lack of sleep.

Bags under his eyes.

Everything he was never once.

This man had it all.


Losing a mother is something everyone might go through.

I remember maria the day we went to her place for tea.

The day I met her at the store and knew her better.

The day she talked to me about her life.

Letting me in.

The day she told what she went through for both of them.

The day she cried and told me everything.

She gave me a letter.

She told me not to open it.

She gave it to me that day and it was never opened.

A letter and since that day I never opened it.

Leaving it for a time that the letter should be opened.


And that day was today.

The day she died.

The day she died was the day she told me to open it.

That means she knew that she was dying.


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