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Life is so unpredictable. Sometimes, we rush to plan our whole life. But, nothing happens as we plan. We need to improve our patience. Cause' those, who are patient, are rewarded well.

The embassy didn't infrom me about my interview. And, it was almost the day when I should be packing, but what can I do. I was so hopeless right now. I was trying to forget the idea of England. My interview went great but I don't know why they didn't approve me.

But then, I remembered whatever happens, happens for good. And, Allah has better plans for us. I did Tawwakal on Allah's decision. I became patient. And HE, the most merciful, rewarded me. Yes, I got a call from Embassy. They said, they were really sorry that they didn't inform me before. And I'm good to go.

I was on cloud nine, after this call. I thanked Allah. And offered some Nawafil. I called Zari and told her about my approval. She was so happy, but I sense the little sadness in her voice. I am going to miss this idiot of mine. I thought to myself. I asked her to come to my place and help me with my sudden packing. And she agreed, she had to. I'm a little bossy, you know.


Time passed like that Zari came and we did all my packing. Meanwhile, eating every snack available at home. And, when all the dry snacks were gone. We asked amma to make some fries. Cause' we can never have enough of food.

Everything was done, just one bag to pack was left. And, it was already Maghrib and Zara had to go home. So, we prayed together and her brother came to pick her. I bid her goodbye. And, retired to my room. I was feeling nauseous. I didn't know, it will be this difficult to leave your loved ones. I mean leaving Mama, Baba and Zari was not an easy task. My things were scattered around and I was sitting in between them, a crying mess.

I drifted to sleep,when I woke up, first thing I noticed was my clean room. The last bag left, was packed standing at the corner. Suddenly, tears came out of my eyes. I'll miss Amma so much.

"Oh mere Allah (Oh my God), stop crying you silly girl. You were crying before as well." Amma came and hugged me.

"If you'll cry like this, I'll never let you go. And, I'll make sure to get you married with some idiot."
Amma tried to warm me, which worked actually.

"NO! I mean ... I won't cry now. But you can't *hiccup* get me married, plz." By now I was hiccuping.
I stopped crying and hugged my mother. And, she laughed. Oh! How much I love this sound. We stayed there for a good fifteen minutes.

"Now get up, wash your face. Dinner's ready and you have to pray as well."
Mama said as she got up.

"Ammaaaa, Ishaa bht lambi hy. (Isha prayer's lengthy)." I whined.

"So what, you have to pray. Now get up already." Amma said and dashed out of my room.

I got up and went to washroom. I did my business and did Ablution as well. I went downstairs amd had dinner with my cute little family. There was light chit chat at the table. They were trying to make me happy. And they did succeed.

I went to my room, prayed Ishaa. And, got ready to go to my dreamland, thinking about my future.


I was all set to go to the airport. Zari was already at my place. She was going to the airport with me. If only, I could take her with me.

I wore my Abaya and went downstairs. My bags were already their and so were everyone else. They were all sad but no one showed. So did I. I didn't show that I'm sad.

"Here she is!" Baba exclaimed, trying to sound chirpy.

I went near him and hugged him.

"Shall we go?" He asked ever so politely. I nodded.

With that we were settling in the car. I and Zara sat together at the back, while baba was driving. And, Amma was at her usual front seat.

"Ice cream anyone?"
Suddenly baba asked. I, mama and zari cheered, saying yes.

We stopped at my favorite ice cream parlor and get our ice creams. After that, the journey was silent. I had my head on Zara's shoulder and she was patting my head. Baba was driving silently, I couldn't see his face. And amma, well I can see her silent tears from side view mirror.

Life is going so be hard, without my patenrs there.


Next chapter character sketching.

Tell me about you guys.
Cause' I love chatting🤭🤭
How's everyone doing?

Take care,
Allah Hafiz,

Until next time...


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