"Kageyama-san," Sunano addressed, making him turn her way. "Are you participating in any stalls in this year's May Festival?"

"No." Kageyama's answer was instantaneous, so much so that Sunano nearly winced.

"Would you like to help us out then?" Sunano asked, kindly. "You don't have to, of course, but it'd be nice to have a helping hand."

"Ooh!" Hinata nudged Kageyama. "You should help! It's not hard or anything—it'll be fun!"

"I don't know," mumbled Kageyama, frowning. "I've never worked before. I don't know how to use the cash register or anything..."

Hinata blinked. "How do you even live?"

"I'm sponsored by the government, dumbass." Kageyama rolled his eyes. "I live near campus for free."

"Waahhh, lucky!"

"Yeah, right."

"That's alright," Sunano swiftly intervened before they could start bickering, saying to Kageyama, "I'll just have you do some heavy lifting. You look like you have the muscle. Oh, um! Also, I need to ask—do you have a garage of some sort? Or just anywhere to store some tables and supplies?"

Kageyama nodded, much to her delight. "Yeah, there's a small garage in the basement for each of us. I can probably fit some stuff in there, since mine's empty."

"Then it's settled!" Sunano beamed. "Thanks a lot, Kageyama-san!"

There was a knock on the glass door, and Sunano hurriedly unlocked it, allowing a young lady with blonde hair and blue-rimmed glasses to walk inside. She was dressed rather stylishly, with a white blouse, short skirt, and beret.

"Sunano-san," the woman greeted with a slight smile.

"Ah! You're here, Iwasaki-chan!" Aware of Hinata and Kageyama's curious stares, Sunano led the woman to the counter. "Guys, this is my friend from book club. She'll be helping us out with the poster design."

The woman bowed shallowly, and the men returned the gesture. "It's nice to meet you," she said sincerely. "My name is Iwasaki Shino; I graduated from Todai last year. I'll be in your care."

"Nice to meet you!" Hinata and Kageyama said in unison before proceeding to introduce themselves as well.

"Come," Sunano invited, pulling her aside, "Let's brainstorm for a bit. Maybe we can even ask your sister, Sayori, for ideas!"

The morning went by peacefully, and Sunano reopened the shop for the afternoon wave of customers.


May 5th, 2018

Miya Osamu's funeral wake was today. Owning no traditional clothing, Sakusa dressed in an all black suit for the occasion, though he could only watch from afar. The funeral took place away from the bustling, wicked city that was Tokyo—took place in somewhere quieter and greener, so Osamu could rest in peace. He parked his car a distance away from the other funeral-goers, but in a place where he would have full view of the proceedings.

He could not see Osamu's face from where he was standing—would never see his face again—but he didn't need to. It was the carbon copy of Atsumu's, and a face that haunted his dreams and nightmares.

It was a grim day, and Sakusa felt it in the heaviness of his chest and the ice in his veins.

Long shadows crept from the trees as they swayed in the wind, threatening to snatch up anyone who wandered too near.

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