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heyo! i have miraculously logged back on to wattpad to find a SLEW of hilarious comments from u guys!!! u are some funny ppl! glad to have u along for the ride.

I also found my last saved draft and it is f*ckin hilarious, can't wait to finish it and upload. also rlly sorry if my writing style is completely different,,,,, I'm like,,,,, older now. funny how time works. 

OKAY if u have read this far into another one of my stupid 'life updates' slash 'apologies' I love you. okokokokokokok thanks for sticking around and giving me ideas and asking me to update I promise ill try. I need to have something to do when I'm not doing my schoolwork aha.

ok thanks guys ur all so much cooler than me and u all should be writing this story bc ur comments have me loling on the outloud.


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