Chapter 3- Memories

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Rocket looked at Lianna in her monstrous form. All he saw was his original friend; beautiful blue eyes, long, silky, red hair, her pretty smile. I can't. I can't shoot her, not even with a tranquilizer!

"Oh, give me it!" Drax snatched the gun out of his hands and steadied it on her leg.

"What're you doing!?" Rocket exclaimed, tugging on Drax's pant.

"Shooting her myself." The word 'shooting' put horror into his mind. HE'S GONNA SIT R HER! Rocket began to wildly reach for the gun. He heard the gun click. NO!

"LIANNA! RUN!" Rocket yelled to her. She turned around to look at him when Drax pulled on the trigger, quickly releasing the dart.

"Ow." Lianna plainly said. The dart hit her on the front of her right thigh. The injection quickly surged through her body. Her eye's began to stutter close. She began to yawn and sway slightly.

"Drax, you idiot!" Rocket yelled. He ran to the edge and jumped building to building. He looked up at Lianna, her body was slowly shrinking. But he jumped too short for the building in front of him and fell into a dumpster.

"Ah, yuck!" He said, wiping off the trash on himself. He jumped out of the dumpster and quickly ran to Lianna. Her swaying started to move her feet, but he saw her feet tied together.

"Who tied her feet together!?" Rocket yelled. Peter pointed to Gamora.

"What else was I supposed to do?! Peter was prancing around like an idiot!" Gamora said.

"Well it distracted her, so you're welcome!" Peter said.

"No, you idiots! By tying her feet together she'll-!" The ground shook like a giant earthquake. Rocket ran towards Gamora and Peter and clung to Gamora's leg. The whole city was screaming in fear. Rocket looked up and saw Lianna falling down. These stupid idiots, she's gonna hurt herself!

A loud boom surrounded the place. A dust cloud formed and covered the area in front of them. When the air cleared, there was Groot, holding up Lianna's back.

"I am Groot. (I caught her)" Groot said.

Rocket rushed over to her sleepy form, her body still shrinking.

"Did it work?" Drax asked, joining the others as they surround Lianna.

"You fuckin' shot her!" Rocket yelled at him.

"I thought that was the plan?" Gamora asked.

"No! The plan wasn't to kill her, you idiots!" A few tears rolling down Rocket's cheeks.

"But you loaded a tranquilizer, right?" Peter said. Rocket held in his tears, and laid his head down on Lianna. Gamora took the dart that was in Lianna's thigh and read the label.

"Rocket, your overreacting, it's a tranquilizer." Gamora said, showing him the label. Rocket lifted his head and looked at it. He took it into his hands, and realized how much he cared for her if he panicked over her fir being shot by a tranquilizer, or it was because Drax did it.

Suddenly a giant, white ship was coming into Knowhere. Rocket looked at the ship and fear flooded his body.

"Everybody! On the ship! Now!" Rocket ordered. "Groot, pick up Lianna! Hurry!" He ran over to the ship and lowered the ramp.

"Why in a hurry, Rocket?" Peter asked.

"You see that ship?" Rocket pointed out in the sky, "Those are our enemies, so let's move!" Everyone obeyed Rocket and he closed up the ramp.

"Peter, start this thing up and go!" He ordered. Groot laid Lianna down on the table in the dining room. Rocket went over to make sure she wasn't injured. He was shock and mad when he found the bite mark on her shoulder. Whoever did this to her, I will KILL THEM!

You Are My Sunshine (Guardians of the Galaxy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang