**Chapter Two**

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AN: Names abbreviated

**Author Pov**

Weeks later, Laurent (Lau) and Larry (Lar) emerged from a hotel suite on the sixty ninth floor.  Slipping on backpacks and dark shades, they strolled along the wide passage heading for the elevators

Passing another suite, they heard a couple within arguing.  Recognising the voices, they smirked

At the elevators, Lau pressed the down button and stepped by Lar.  They watched the numbers above the doors steadily rise

Hearing the 'ding, their eyes lowered and widened when the doors opened

Standing in the elevator were the elusive woman and little girl from the cafe'.  Sitting directly behind and towering above the girl, a massive wolf hybrid, almost as tall as the woman.  The three of them with light blue tinted shades over there eyes

When the woman, girl and dog emerged, Lau and Lar glanced at each other confused.  They were expecting them to move in the direction of the arguing couple's suite.  Instead, they continued in the opposite direction

Entering the new empty elevator, they moved to opposite sides, Lau pressed the lobby button and turned to face Lar.  Hearing a male voice call out "Hold the door", Lau and Lar's smirk's reappeared

Twitching their forefingers, the doors began to close at a teasingly slow pace.  Hearing footsteps quicken and seeing the guy reach for the doors just before they closed and exclaim "Fuck", Lau and Lar busted out laughing

**Rewind weeks earlier to cafe'**

Laurent and Larry were pissed at the husband and wife, Charles and Melissa (Mel).  They wanted to cause them . . . Pain

Delving into their minds, an euphoric wave flowed from the top of Laurent and Larry's heads to the tips of their toes and fingers.  In the blink of an eye, Laurent and Larry knew Charles and Melissa's dirty little secrets

Looking at each other, although the lenses were dark, they could clearly see each other eyes, smirks appeared.  Laurent and Larry decided to have some fun with their new . . . Toys

**Fast forward to elevator**

Feeling the elevator slowing down and stopping on the thirtieth floor, Lau and Lar glared at the doors as they opened

When no-one entered, they stepped forward and startled.  Mere steps away from entering was an identical woman, little girl and another, just as massive wolf hybrid but they had on light purple lensed shades and the woman and girl were . . . Taller
Woman: I apologise, I thought the carriage was empty, we will wait for the next elevator - backing up
Lau slid to Lar's side.  They both gestured of the woman, girl and dog to enter

As they entered, Lau and Lar's eyes lowered.  The woman and girl were standing on mobile balance wheels.  Lau and Lar had figured out how the woman and girl vanished into thin air but were still confused . . . Until
Woman: Excuse me . . . Did y'all descend from the sixty ninth floor - Lau and Lar timidly nodded 'yes
Woman: I take it y'all saw my cousin, niece and canine (K9) . . . Blue lense shades - Lau and Lar pursed their lips
Woman: We're use to the . . . Reactions - Lau and Lar nodded in understanding

Relaxing, Lau and Lar glanced at each other.  Something about the woman had them intrigued.  They couldn't decipher why.  They could feel her eyes on their faces . . . Mysterious, comforting, unsure eyes.  Lau and Lar tilted their heads
Woman: I apologise for staring.  This will sound weird but I . . . I feel we have crossed paths before
Lau and Lar's eyebrows raised.  That was what they couldn't decipher.  They too had the same feeling
Lar: Um . . . At a cafe' . . . Weeks ago - unsure
Woman: Before that . . . Years ago - Lau and Lar were taken aback
Woman: I have a photographic memory but right now . . . It's deceiving me
Lau: When you do remember . . . I hope its . . . Good
Woman: I hope so too
Lau and Lar: W-why do you say that
Woman: I release the negative . . . Its not worth my time or energy
Lau: Is that like . . . Your mantra
A small smile appeared in the woman's face and she nodded 'yes

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