"Ah, so many questions! Yet so few that I can answer. . ." Emmeline trailed off.

They waited in silence for a few minutes, a light wind blowing their hair around.

Veton could tell that Elvira was getting impatient, so he spoke up, "Maybe answer them now, if you can?"

Emmeline looked Veton and Elvira up and down, this time she was the one judging, "Alright then. I can't answer your first question." She paused, fingering the handle of her sword as she tried to think of her answers. "I'm here because you're an Elder too, and wouldn't it be nice to be taught - or no, guided is the right word, by someone who's had a couple centuries of experience?"

"I guess." Elvira shrugged, "But I still don't believe you."

"Let me try and convince you. I'm an Elder because I was chosen to be, just like you were. And I have no idea who Veton is, so I can't answer your last question either."

"I'm Veton," Veton said, giving Emmeline a small wave, "I'm Elvira's brother."

Emmeline gave a start, as if she had just realized he was there, but then waved back, "Are you an Elder too?"

"I'm a Valley Elder," Veton said. That was weird, if Emmeline had known that Elvira was an Elder, how had she not known he was?

"Oh, wonderful! So you're the one who found my friend's book!"

"You know the person who wrote it?" Veton asked her.

"I do, he's an Elder too, actually!"

Veton nodded, trying to appear as if he wasn't confused, but really he could barely keep everything straight in his head, "So you put the book in our library to get us to come out here?"

"My other friend did that, I believe she met your friend Roko?"

"Wait, what?" Sol spoke up, apparently surprised that Roko hadn't told him.

Emmeline looked at him, "Who are you?"

"Shouldn't you know, If you've been stalking us for who knows how long?" Sol answered, narrowing his eyes, "I don't trust you."

Emmeline's grin vanished, "Well now I see why your friend didn't tell you anything, you have a dreadful personality."

Sol frowned at her, but didn't say anything more.

Emmeline looked back to Veton and Elvira, "I think I've told you the answers to your questions, do you believe me now?

"Actually, I do." Elvira said, but then continued, "But, I still want to see you do something cool."

Emmeline grinned, "Am I allowed to ask the same of you?"

"Of course," Elvira grinned back at her. In just a few minutes, she had gone from distrusting Emmeline with her entire being to acting as if they were best friends.

Emmeline took her sword out of its sheath, shaking her arm a few times to loosen it up, and Veton could have sworn he saw a flicker of lighting running down the blade.

Sol made a slight noise of displeasure from behind Veton at the sight of Emmeline's sword, but he didn't make a move to have her put it away.

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