Only God Will Know

Start from the beginning

  He woke up late Saturday morning, that is if 9 AM is considered late. Sunlight poured out of his window and he blinked in confusion at the yellow-white light dancing across his dorm room floor. He never opened the blinds. Getting up he rubbed his hands together to provide an extra layer of sweat as he opened his door and glared out into the hall. The only one out there was the redheaded beauty, Kirishima. He hit his head on the door frame a couple of times before walking out, "did you do that?"
  Kirishima's cherry eyes looked him over with slight confusion. "Do what?" He sounded honest as he smiled slightly, showcasing his sharp teeth.
  The blonde found himself just kind of staring at the redhead, he didn't mean to, but he looked so pretty in the morning light, he seemed to glow. And the small scar on his right eye just added that extra level of intrigue and a curious beauty to the boy in front of him.
  Shut the fuck up brain. Once he gathered himself, he cleared his throat and said, "well my blinds are open. I don't remember doing that."
  The pretty boy in front of him laughed and scratched the back of his head, "I hate throwing him under the bus like this, but that was Midoriya-kun. He said he heard you walking around a lot last night, so this morning he went to check on you. When he saw you were still asleep he opened the blinds so it 'won't be so dark when he wakes up', I think he said." The blonde half chuckled and half scoffed at the green haired boy's actions.
  "Tell him I say thank you, I guess." He snapped his mouth shut, holy shit I must still be half-asleep. "Don't say anything." The redheaded teen shot his hands up defensively and laughed slightly. "Uh... actually I wanna ask. Was he telling the truth?"
  The scarlet eyed teen turned around and asked what Kirishima meant. "Where you really walking around all night? I mean if you were I don't care, I just wanna make sure you're okay and that he, erm... Midoriya-kun I mean, isn't just going crazy..."
  The blonde snorted, "one, I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep so I walked around for a little bit. And two, he's already crazy. I'm going to get dressed, I'll be down later." Kirishima opened his mouth again to speak, but the way his best friend looked at him before turning away made him close it.
  He just wished Bakugou would talk to him, that was all. But is it? The redhead asked himself, staring after his friend. Is that really all I want?
  The events of last night seemed to run on repeat for the rest of the day. His arm was only a little sore, but it seemed to sling more with each replay and each thought that accompanied it. The cabinet door had told him it was one time and he said the same thing, yet as the day went on he found himself eyeing shaving kits and the switchblade cases at the mall Dunce Face and the others managed to drag him to.
  "Come on man!" The second blonde in the group, 15 year old Kaminari, shouted. He was always overactive like Deku with his wide armed swings, loud voice, and excessive eyebrow movement. "We came to the mall to buy stuff and you haven't bought a thing. I'll feel bad if you don't get anything."
  His scarlet eyes rolled in a sarcastic manner as he sighed, "then be fucking sad." He turned his head to a nearby kiosk while Dunce Face yelled after him. The blonde drowned out all of his 'friends' complaints as he walked up to the man running the small store and asked for the small, black switchblade that sat on the top row.
  His legs felt weak, he knew he shouldn't have bought it and he knew he should have asked the nice man to put the knife back since he didn't really need it, but instead he asked him to bag it and he took the weapon home.
  All of the windows on the way back to the dorm thanked him for buying the switchblade, they told him that it would make the fix easier to acquire. He agreed with the windows even though, well what he thought was, a perverted guilt ran rampant through his body. He shouldn't have bought the knife, he shouldn't be looking forward to waking up in the middle of the night, but he was and his wounds stopped hurting.
  The walk home wasn't quiet at all, the entire way Raccoon Eyes and Dunce Face argued about whether chocolate tasted better with strawberries or marshmallows, but he didn't hear a word. All he heard were his thoughts and the windows, he was so lost in them that he didn't even realize that Kirishima was staring at him for the majority of the trip. He was worried, so, so worried. The redhead contemplated staying up all night to follow him, so see what was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself too. He didn't want to walk in on him crying or doing something else of the sensitive nature, still something felt wrong. His Bakugou was too quiet, too mellow, and much too dark.
  They arrived back in the dorms after a twenty minute walk and four of the five teens collapsed in the longue. "Where ya going, Bakugou-kun?" Soy Sauce Face asked, looking after his friend, his black eyes followed him ever so closely. He was looking for something and didn't know what.
  The blonde shrugged. "Up to my room, it's been a long day." The teens gathered in the common area stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the scene in front of them. There was no outburst, no cursing, no snark in his voice, he just sounded tired. A pen could have dropped and it would have sounded like a dumbbell hitting concrete. "G'night."
  The worry Kirishima had been carrying became worse.

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