Cartoon Cat

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(Location: Acadiana Mall, Lafayette, Louisiana)

My name is Lionel. I was a night guard in one of the three main malls around Louisiana, a Cajun state of folklore, festivals, and pretty amazing food. As a woman coming from New York City, I try to stay near the big cities in the area, so that's a big plus for me. Another thing is, this mall was said to be haunted a long time ago, but I think that's just a bunch of kids trying to get the place to go down. It's only true. There are people trying to take down megastores like this one just so people can shop at there own. It's kinda sadistic, if I must say. Anyway, I was in the main security room with my three other buddies, Luke, Will, and Adela watching the monitors to see if any kids tried to sneak in. When we did see kids at the main entrance, we'd shut down the lock system and let them in, just to make them think it was a ghost or something as a joke. Then, we'd let them wander a bit with there camera's and flashlights to try and find a ghost or something, just so long as they didn't break anything.

Technically, forced entry is a crime, but we let them in, so that's crossed off the list, but destruction of property is a felony on our part, so we'll take action if we have to. Tonight was the same thing as always; Kids coming in and filming for ghosts, then leaving when they come up empty. It's a nice thing to see that kids have such an amazing superstitious mind and they use it to try and prove others wrong. Even the boss likes to see it. He thinks like us; as long as these kids don't force entry or break things, they're good enough to wander. The boss man would be intrigued if he sees one kid point out a ghost or something in his own mall. Tonight, the kids left earlier than expected. They probably caught something, because they bolted out the doors before we even knew it.

"What were they running from?" Luke asked.

"I don't know. I'll go check it out."

I grabbed my gun and flashlight and readied myself for the journey through the mall while the boys and Adela played back the tape and tried to find the thing they were also looking for. But, I found nothing. I searched high and low in every corner of the mall. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was only when I started walking back to the security room that I finally heard something. It was an old song from the 1930's I believe, because my grandfather lived in that era. He always told me about the cartoons and children's songs they had back then. He'd let me listen to a couple of them, but that was all I heard before he passed away. I remember that song distinctly. I can't remember what it was called though. It was so long ago.

I pointed my flashlight in the directions of the music and saw some cartoon looking thing in the distance, slowly walking towards me with a large grin on it's face and excited looking cartoon eyes. The sight before me was absolutely terrifying. I couldn't think straight, but I couldn't just stand there. I fired a couple shots at it. That seemed to have stunned it. I have to book it back to the security room, now! I did just that, slamming the door open and quickly pushing it shut. Luke, Will, and Adela all looked at me as if they'd just experienced the horror I saw. Will gestured me to get up and look at the cameras. Turns out, they did see what I saw. It was there. Right there in plain sight. Just standing there. It seemed to be letting out sad sounds, for some reason, as if it were lonely. But, I knew better.

"Lio...? What is that...?" Adela asked, terror coating her voice.

"I don't know. But, I am NOT going back out there." I said.

The others and I decided to spend the night in the security room until day break, using the blankets and pillows we put in there in case we fell asleep.

Daylight came sooner than we expected and we all went home, but I decided to have the boss close down the mall until further notice. I was out of a job for the time being, so I worked at a bakery until I could go back.

But, I don't know if I want to, since that thing could come back, even if it left.

I don't know what that thing was, but I could've died if I made the wrong decision. Sometimes, I can still hear the sad noises it makes in the back of my head at night, feeling like it's watching me and waiting for the right moment to strike.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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