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I had no idea what happened. One minute both Nevaeh and I were happy for our friends to be getting married finally. They truly deserved to be happy together. The next Nevaeh was the expression of  shock and yet to me no longer a very happy look.

That cannot be though. I mean Brenda is her closest friend. How could she not want her to be happy? Did I miss something?

I called to her "Nevaeh, baby what's wrong?"


"Don't give me that. You literally just sprinted out of there, leaving both Brenda and Louis standing there without a clue as to what they may've done to upset you. I myself have no clue. What's going on?"

"Ob, nothing besides the fact that I love you and thought that WE might have OUR wedding in the backyard. After the past few years I've had I just...forget it

"Babe if that's what you want that's what we will do" I wrapped my arms around her and kiss her.

"No. Brenda deserves it more"

"Stop right there. She deserves to be happy, yes. Does she deserve it more? Not a chance, when it comes to you"

She's now crying. Well damn I didn't mean to go and do all that.

"Harry, just let them do what they want. I don't know if I can do two full weddings in a matter of months. I thought it was clear that I wanted to marry you once the kids could be a part of it, apparently that's not important enough so I'll just keep waiting for what I had in mind, like I've done my whole life. No biggie"

"Are you fucking kidding me? I think I've been a very patient man when it comes to making you my wife Nevaeh. First I had to wait fof you to technically be my girlfriend. Then it was forever till you'd accept my proposal. Just know this I won't allow Brenda and Louis to take this from either of us if it means I don't get you to be my wife. I don't want to wait for  another day let alone an entire year more. That's if you don't decide that you no longer wish to have me" I'm now shaking my head at the thought.

"Harry, stop of course I want you. You're literally the only person in the world that has ever shown me love or treats me with respect and made me feel safe. You stand up both with and for me. I'm just I..I  don't know what to say or do. I want to help Brenda ya know but at the same time she has to know or that I really thought she did that I wanted to be married in the spring/summer"

"Baby, what if perhaps we still have the backyard for our wedding, and offer the front to Brenda and Louis for their wedding?"

"It's still two weddings though Harry"

"Yes, but the place is worked out. I think maybe you each can help one another on dress shopping and perhaps you are each others closest friends you might even stand up for the other? So it covers a couple things in one"

As I think I've done well. Neveah says "you think you're so smart ey? You're not getting out so easy but not bad. Can you call Louis and see what they think?"

"Sure thing baby"

"What do you say we head to town get some KFC go to the park for a sorta picnic"

"Sounds kinda good actually. Let's get the kids out to the van. I'll grab a go bag with change of clothes and wipes. Ok ready daddy?"

Reaching the park there weren't a lot of people but there were a couple people who we recognized but not as a couple, which kinda threw us.

"Hey Liam, Tina what a surprise"

With a giggle Liam said "oh hey we actually have known each other from before. We just recently ran into one another again and started talking. It turns out that neither of us are in a relationship and well we missed each other from before so we're giving it a try"

"Wow, how many more new things will there be today?" Nevaeh states simply shakes her head walking off.

"What's that about?" Liam asks

"To start Brenda wanted to know if there was any way to get married in the backyard? Now this with the two of you, I really think she would have preferred you shared good news with her first hand being friends and all. She's just been shocked a bit today, by ones that she thought knew her best"

"Oh" is all he says.

"So maybe they don't know her as good as she thought they did" I shake my head and join my woman and kids to our little family picnic.

We ate, played. The kids played hard. We were getting ready to go when Nevaeh's phone went off.

Brenda: Louis told me that Harry called. We really appreciate the offer and thank you. Didn't mean to upset you.

Vaeh: it's fine

Li: Didn't mean to upset you, Tina and I are happy. We knew each other before I moved here. I hope this doesn't change our friendship

Vaeh: nope  everything is fine  be happy. It doesn't matter if I get to be or not


Why do you think Nevaeh is so touchy/moody?

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