Washington B.C.

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*A/N: (y/n)- your name

             (l/n)- last name


There was a building on fire, and people, fire trucks, police cars and ambulances were surrounding the building.

Inside a mother and her son were trapped in the burning building. The roof was about to collapse, but before the two were squished, they look to see (y/n) and Ben, both as Heatblast and Kamen Rider Zero-One Freezing Bear.

 The roof was about to collapse, but before the two were squished, they look to see (y/n) and Ben, both as Heatblast and Kamen Rider Zero-One Freezing Bear

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Kid: "Who are you?" The kid asked the two.

Zero-One: "I'm Kamen Rider Zero-One and this here is my friend Heatblast." he said.

Heatblast: "We're here to help!" Ben said as he threw the burning debris. (y/n) and Ben both lead the mother and to the stairwell, but the stairs then collapsed.

Zero-One: "I have a new idea! Get behind me! Heatblast use your power" (y/n) said as the mother and kid did as instructed.

Heatblast: "Got it, dude."

He then created a ice tornado around the two and himself and flew out of the building in it. When it dissipated, we were outside the building, where a firefighting crew already was, with some other people who had left the building.

"Freezing Impact!"

(y/n) then used his powers to douse the fire.

Heatblast: "Well, done, dude!" Ben said to (y/n) as he and (y/n) both high-fived and a bunch of new repoertersd came in to interview the two.

Zero-One: "Heatblast, we need to get out of here......." (y/n) said when Ben had his sights on a golden card the kid had.

Heatblast Ben: "No way! A gold sumo slammer card! Where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for that" Ben asked the kid while (y/n) had a deadpan look and facepalmed.

Kid: "It was a prize inside a box of sumo smack cereal." The kid said when the horn to the Rustbucket sounded.

Gwen: "Yo, super doofus. The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jelery store robbery." Gwen said to Ben.

"Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick."


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