As the squad walked past the lockers, Veronica heard someone call her name. She stepped away from the other girls and turned around to see Lexy shutting her locker door.

"Hey Lexy." Veronica said awkwardly.

The two hadn't spoken since the opening night of La Bonne Nuit. And Veronica knew for a fact that Lexy blamed her for not telling her about Archie's breakout.

"Do you have Archie's letterman jacket at the Pembrooke?" Lexy avoided any small talk.

"I might. Can't really remember. It's not at your house?"

Lexy shook her head. "My dad really needs it. He's been organizing Archie's room and he doesn't think it's complete without his letterman jacket hanging on the back of his chair."

Veronica felt a wave of sadness and pity for the Andrews family rush through her. "I'll look for it as soon as I get home. You want me to bring it to school tomorrow?"

"Actually could I just swing by the Pembrooke maybe? I want to get it to my dad ASAP."

Veronica gave her a comforting smile and nodded. "Sure. I'll text you if I find it."

Lexy nodded and turned to go to class, glancing  sideways at the janitor who was sweeping the shards of glass into a dustpan.


Because all the cheerleaders had seizures at school that day, well, everyone but Cheryl, Lexy assumed Veronica was on bed rest. But that didn't stop her from taking a little trip to the Pembrooke.

Hermione Lodge opened the door after a few knocks with a tired look on her face.

"Hi Lexy, look I'm sorry but Ronnie needs her rest right now. You heard about the seizures, didn't you?" Hermione asked.

"I did but I wasn't sure who had them. How is she doing?"

"I think she'll be fine. She just needs to sleep it off. Tell your dad I was asking for him."

Hermione began to shut the door but was stopped by Veronica who ran out of her bedroom and opened it back up.

"It's okay, mom. I'm feeling perfectly healthy. Lexy can come in." She said with a forced smile directed at her mother.

Lexy followed Veronica to her room as she played with her fingers.

"I obviously didn't get a chance to look for the jacket yet but you can help me look now, if you want." The black haired girl laughed as she rummaged through her closet.

"Uh sure. You mind me going through your stuff?" Lexy asked cautiously.

"Go ahead."

Lexy took the left side of the room while Veronica searched the right. Not much conversation was exchanged between the two. Lexy gave up on the chest of drawers and sat down in front of the bedside cupboard. Something else caught her eye however.

"Hey, you never told me the school you went to in New York had fancy uniforms." Lexy picked up a photo of Veronica and and some other girls standing outside a fancy building wearing blazers and ties.

Veronica looked over her shoulder and smiled at the memories of the high school where she grew up. Lexy quickly put the photo back down and coughed nervously.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now