Yoongi struggles to climb onto the hospital bed, and pushes his father away when he tries to help. "I'm a big kid, I don't need any help."

"Okay, little man," Mr. Min chuckles, taking a seat in the chair next to the hospital bed. "I'll remember that."

"I don't want you to be a big kid yet," Mrs. Min holds her hand out for Yoongi to grab. "You're only four, you have a lot of growing up to do still."

"I'm not four yet, mom," Yoongi moans, finally making his way up onto the bed. "Almost, but not quite. We were planning my party not long ago. It's only two months away now. Don't tell me you forgot already."

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I've had a long day," she tiredly smiles at her son. "Now that you're up here, though, meet your new baby sister," she maneuvers the bundle in her arms so Yoongi can see.

Areum is a smaller than average baby, and Yoongi feels his heart swell at the sight of her. This little human is now in his care, and he understands just how important that is.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mrs. Min questions as she notices the look of awe on her son's face.

"Can I?" Yoongi hopefully looks up at his mother.

"Of course, sweetheart."

Yoongi's heart is pounding as he is handed the most important person in his life now. His brain going a mile a minute with all kinds of thoughts about is baby sister.

With all the movement, Areum is shaken from her slumber, but she doesn't burst into tears. Her gaze falls onto Yoongi, and she's instantly in smiles and happy coos.

"Aw, she loves her big brother," Mrs. Min leans back into the pillows. "Look at how happy she is to see you, Yoongi."

"See, you had nothing to worry about, Yoongi," Mr. Min taps the edge of the bed with his foot.

Yoongi runs the pad of his finger gently over Areum's cheek. "She's perfect." He leans down to gently rest his forehead on hers. "I will always protect you," he whispers as the baby reaches out to place her small hand on his cheek. "Don't you even worry, Yoongi will always be by your side."

------------------------------ ----------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------

I rapidly blink my dark green eyes to focus back in on the lecture. My pencil resting in my hand as it hovers over my notebook ready to go. Not a single word written down on the paper.

"Now, I want you all to read and annotate the first two chapters by the next time you see me, and start thinking about who your favorite character might be," the literature professor claps his hands together as he looks at the clock. "And with that, I will release you to your other duties."

I sigh as people around me quickly pack up and leave. "Nice job, idiot," I grumble to myself as I scribble down the assignment, struggling to get my feet back into my heels.

I'm the last person to pack up, and stand up, out of my back-row seat, earning a chuckle from the professor.

"Areum, so deep in writing down all I have to say about The Lost Princess?"

I force a tight-lipped smile, "As always. You are my favorite professor, and I look forward to this book."

"I'm glad. I think you'll enjoy it. If you ever have any questions about it, I'm always here to help you," he takes a seat on the edge of his desk.

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