5. Thank You and Let's Have Fun

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In the night. Damian in his room swinging his sword. He trow his sword to the wall and the sword is stay still.

A yelp from Garfield could be heard, "Hey ! What is wrong with you? " beast boy exclaimed as he Bangs on the wall.

"This is very dangerous. You could put out eye with that thing. Didn't you mother tell you never to play with knives ?."

Damian only roll his eyes. 'That is the opposite actually ' thought Damian. He look at the window, he saw small light and raven, who is meditating and not really away from her he can she melian or fantasia, she look like she's painting with firefly around her.

Damian decided to approach Raven first. Let's just said the conversation is awkward and not so much good because Damian look like interrogation Raven, of course raven feel offended. The and of they conversation is Raven said to Damian his "elder" is demon, she knows her demon, damian has other thing to fix and stay away from her with that raven leave.

Damian little upset with Raven about that so he decided to approach melian. He hide in bush to watch melian. Melian singing non lyrics, damian can't see what see painting.

Melian look so beautiful with dress she wear, firefly around her and her voice but its feel little weird melian keep wear her tiara, not wear a shoes and drawing with little light.

Melian stop her singing but not her painting

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Melian stop her singing but not her painting. " if you want to talk don't hide, come out now" said melian without look damian that out from Bush.

"I think I should thank to you about you did in training room" said Damian. Melian still not look Damian and she says.

" emmm, you welcome. "

" why you do it?" asked damian.

"Well, you not know what you face it, let's just said I save you from my warning and your own stupidity. " melian said like it's was simple. Damian frown at melian word.

"Arrogantly, think that your are better from all human and all being. think that you "should " lead human, yeah that's very al-ghul way. Right, ra'as al ghul grandson" continue melian and then stop her drawing and look pale damian. Her eyes shine some hate and disappointed and...sad?

"Ho... How you know? Asked Damian little shutter.

"Well, its kind obviously for me from your arrogance, attitude and fighting style. Beside your grandfather and I have unpleasant history." melian says with flat tone and she back to painting. Damian brush his shock feeling and change it to arrogant and says.

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