2. Warning

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Is been 2 years since melian joining teen Titan, the member of teen titans and justice League already guess what she is and no need to said they almost not believed. You know why because they not believe that fairy is actually exist . Yep melian is a fairy.

Melian take that little offensive since they already seeing more weird and not belive that something already exists amongst they, just because they can't see does not mean they not exist.

Although melian not tell them yet why she in human world the first place. She only said to they for not search further and she will they them when time she think time is come and she definitely not tell team her real age but they seem suspects that melian is more old than her look.

Melian's drawing on paper with oil painting in night. She seem enjoy a few of star behind her window. Suddenly her was knock from her metal door .

" come in" shout melian withinot stop drawing. The person is come in to her room. Melian stop drawing drawing and look the person is.

" star, is something wrong ?" Asked melian .

Starfire who still in her pj look tired and worry.

" is Raven... She have nightmare again" kori said with sigh.

Melian leave her drawing and immediately run to Raven room. She can see Garfield and Jamie is outside her room they know Raven have nightmare but they don't really near her because her power look always violent to them when she had nightmare and since melian had power to "contain" Raven power she the one who more often to comfort her. She give nod to them said.

"Don't worry I will take care of her you can go back to your room".

They look hesitate but do what she said, melian get in to Raven room and close the door. She can see that raven have nightmare they way she keep moving in her sleep , sweat on her face and her hand and body come out dark aura. Melian use her magic to shield Raven magic so not damage her round. She come to her side with slow, so that she not startled her. Merlian rub her back in comfort way when her back facing her.

Raven immediately sit up with glowing eyes look about shoot merlian immediately hug her and shoosh. Raven eyes stop glowing and her dark aura is gone, she hug merlian back and crying.

"Hy its jus adream okey. Did you dream your dad? " asked melian, she somehow know. She feel Raven nods.

"But it's different. He said he will return and feel so real " raven said in sob.

"Why is that? "

"It's Trigon, he's planning something he come to peak..." She said as melian run a hand stroke her hair. Melian frowned and confused

" I.. I thought you trap him in the crystal? "

" I did but I am not sure anymore " Raven answer as her sob get wilder. Melian held Raven until she atop crying. She let go her hug and wipe away tears from Raven face.

"Are you want try to sleep again? " asked melian

Raven nods. She layed down and melian pulled the blanket up and she about leave Raven grab her wrist .

" can...you...stay... Please ?" Asked Raven, she seem embarrassed .

Melian smile and nods. Raven make space for her. Melian slip under blanker, Raven back facing her.

" good night Raven "

" good night melian"

Melian and Raven are close, the fact that Raven is one of who stand for her when they first meet. Since melian mystical creature she already know that Raven is cambion (half human-half demon) and trigon daughter, she ever meet trigon so melian can sense Raven is his descendant. Melian is the one who Raven most trust, they part mystical creatures and Raven took liking melian for unknown reason. Raven tell her past , she not tell her past to other teammates , she will but when she is ready.

Melian tell Raven that is once was a human before become fairy and that is reason why is act like human and a few fairy dislike her much but she not tell why she in human world to Raven, she only said when in the time she will tell, Raven accept that.

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