Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

The bolded text of the only unread email stared at me, untouched and unread.

He sent me an email? Why would Taylor send me an email? Call me crazy, but I didn't even realize that hockey players used email.

Should I read it? I kind of had to read it, didn't I? I know Taylor said it was urgent, but it wasn't like I owed him anything, right?

How about this? How about I read it, and then decide what to do with it then? Maybe I'd reply or maybe I'd send it straight to the Trash.

From: taylorhudson27

Subject: Camille, please

Hey Camille,

This feels weird, emailing you. So, if you feel weird reading it, I'm sorry. (For that and for other things, but you already know about those.) Lawson gave me your email, I hope that's okay. Even if it's not, it won't change anything. Sorry. Again. I emailed you instead of texting you because what I have to say is kind of long, and I've already made it even longer with all the rambling. But whatever, I'm too lazy to go back and delete it all.

I'll keep this part short now, promise.

The Saints are coming to Winnipeg to play the Storm this Thursday. (You probably already knew that, because you're pretty much a hockey wizard. Sorry, saying things like this isn't keeping it short.) I need to see you. I really need to see you. I know I'm not your favourite person right now. To be honest, I'm not my favourite person either. But you're still mine. There's something important I need to tell you. Face to face.

Please. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.


I read it once, then a second time, took a deep breath, and wrote a reply.

From: camille.riccardi

Subject: Taylor, please stop

Hi Taylor,

You're right. This does feel weird emailing you. I don't know, Taylor. I don't think seeing you in person right now is something I want. I do hope everything is okay with you. Really.


I felt like Jacob Black at the beginning of Eclipse, writing and rewriting his note to Bella. In the end, this was what I came up with. It was simple, but my thought process was anything but. If I had responded with how I really felt, it would have said, "Sure thing! Looking forward to it!".

Because apparently, I was all bark and no bite. Like a cat who can walk around acting bored and haughty but then get so excited over a stupid ball of yarn.

Taylor was my yarn. It didn't matter what I told myself about how I needed to get over him, that I needed space; it only took a prospective meeting to get my hopes up.

It took a lot of strength to tell him that I wouldn't be okay with seeing him. I almost didn't.

Not even a minute later, his response came through.

From: taylorhudson27

Subject: Please, please

Things are not okay.

It won't be long. From the time the game would end to the time I need to catch the plane, it'd be an hour, tops.

You have no idea how badly I need this right now. You, I mean. I need you.


Subject: Okay

The subject says it all.

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