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Landon looked around to see what the hell happened to his brilliant plan.
Just to find 4 badass and powerful witches....
Standing at a distance.
Who looked royally pissed and vengeful.

He always thought Alyssa Chang was the most powerful one

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He always thought Alyssa Chang was the most powerful one.....
As Hope was now weak due to blood loss. But surprisingly she looked more pissed and powerful than anyone else.

Landon gulped and started thinking various excuses about the situation. How can he save his ass this time.

Even before he could say anything Hope held him by her magic to a branch..... strangling him.

Landon couldn't move

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Landon couldn't move.....
Couldn't talk.....
Couldn't think clearly.

Lizzie was his saviour this time.
She said.....
Hope leave him we need to talk to him.
He needs to answer our questions.

Hope loosened her grip but before that she looked at Penelope who nodded and kept Landon bound to the tree.

By that time Alyssa Chang was unconscious. Josie's magic knocked her out like a log.

Kaleb and MG was standing behind the girls near Clarke and those three were smirking looking at the scene in front of them. Clearly enjoying the view and drama. The men were actually looking at thier respective crushes, seeing them like this being a badass made them proud.

Hope glared at Clarke.....
When she saw him smirking at her in a flirtious way.
And he instantly looked away, but kept his small smile.

Landon was beyond frustrated. He shouted out ......

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on???

Why are you guys here???

Why did you stop me from pushing that filthy man into the ditch????

What's wrong with you guys???

You were the ones to agree with the plan why the sudden change????

Hope gave him a death glare that made him stop abruptly....and he visibly gulped in fear.

All the witches snarled and said altogether

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All the witches snarled and said altogether......


That made Landon more terrified than he already was. Seeing Hope like that was a shock.
Seeing her like a vengeful witch was scary.
She looked like she was on a mission, and everyone knew when Hope Mikelson sets her mind on a mission she finishes it and the opponent looses or worse dies.

In this case it was pretty clear to Landon that he was the opponent. That made him shiver in fear and anticipation.

He knew Hope enough to understand he shouldn't mess with an enraged TRIBRID....specially when she's with 3 more powerful witches and two vampires.

He knew he's screwed.

Hope came forward and started her speech......

She used all of her control so that she won't kill Landon at moment.

She growled lowly and said,
Yes I will answer everything
Landon......or will I call you MALIVORE'S PET?????
She spoke with such disgust that Landon flinched.
He understood, Hope knows.
They all know maybe.

She freaking knows everything.

What he couldn't comprehend was, how did she come to know about everything??????

Lizzie spoke up this time,
Mophead birdy, these events are very confusing for you, right????

Let's make this crystal clear for you.... worthless bird.
We know.
We know everything that you have planned.
We know what actually do you want.
We know your DEAL with the monster that you call FATHER.

What were you thinking???
We were idiots???
We won't understand that you were double crossing us????

Bird, you might have forgotten.
But we are Witches.
Powerful witches.
An original witch's descendant.
Twins from the most powerful Gemini coven.
And, then comes, Penelope, the witch with a typical power, who can absorb other witches powers.
And two vampires.
How the hell did you even think that you are up against easy competitors?

We are the teenagers who are saving this damn town, since we were born.
We are saving this place since we were kids.
Hope's ancestors made up this town. She's a damn TRIBRID. One of her kind. With wolfish or rather you can say animalistic instincts.
How did you even think that you can fool her??

How did you even think that you can fool her??

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She's a goddamn MIKELSON.
Plotting is kind of her forte, no offense Hope.

Hope just rolled her eyes at Lizzie and smirked.

Lizzie kept saying,
She's an original's daughter and an Alpha's.
She's the alpha of the toughest pack.....Cresent pack.
And you idiot bird thought you are gonna fool us with your stupid plan..?????

Penelope continued after Lizzie.
I bet you are thinking how the hell did we know these ???
Then she looked at Hope and asked her.
Hey... Hope,
Shall I tell him before we end this???
Hope smirked and nodded.

Seeing Hope smirking Landon instantly understood that his game's up.
He's gonna die or worse, he would face a Mikelson's wrath.

But he couldn't help but think, how the hell did they came to know about this???

The Tainted Lovers {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now